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"Do you guys saw Sana?"

"I saw her at the kitchen earlier"Xiaoting said

"No, she's upstairs"Dahyun huffed

"What is it, really?"Tzuyu said, crossing her arms

"This is true this time- she's at the garden"Jihyo said, so sure with that

"Thanks, unnie"Tzuyu immediately went to the said place- and Jihyo's right she's really there

She sneakily walk towards her and,


"Son of a— you scared the shit out of me, Tzuyu!"Sana had her palm across her left chest, totally surprise at that

"I'm sorry, babe. Are you okay?"Tzuyu worriedly asked

"I-I'm fine"Sana weakly nodded her head

"Water?"Tzuyu handed it to her, which she gladly took it
"What's this?"she asked as she saw Sana writing something on the small notebook

"This is nothing"Sana closed it

"Really?"Tzuyu suddenly steal it away from her

To do list
• Theme park √
• Travel the world with Tzuyu
• Try Ice skating
• Late night ride
• Library date

"Why are you making this all of a sudden? You can just tell it to me directly"Tzuyu uttured

"Just in case I forgot"Sana said, smiling cutely
"I want to travel the world with you, Tzuyu yah"she cupped her face

"You know I still have my works to do"Tzuyu shrugs

"Please? Can we do everything that was written in there?"Sana pleaded


"I wanted to do that while I still can"

"What do you mean, Sana?"Tzuyu asked, tugging her lips together

"I-I mean. You just file a leave, right? We can use that"Sana awkwardly laugh

"Okay"Tzuyu looked unconvinced, but decided not to push her

"Hi? What are you guys doing there?"Momo suddenly showed up

"Just talking"Sana replied

"About?"Momo curiously asked

"I wanted to travel with Tzuyu"Sana smiled

"Isn't too soon?"Momo raised a brow

"What?"Tzuyu immediately asked, confused of what she just said

"Nothing"Momo shook her head

"I don't understand you sometimes, Momo unnie"Tzuyu let out

"She's always like that so get used to it"Sana chuckled


"They're so sweet"Xiaoting said, looking lovingly at Sana and Tzuyu who's at their own world, dancing

"Can we invite them for some snacks?"Momo questioned, which was not approved by them

"Don't ruin it, this is their moment"Jihyo smiled like a proud mother

"That smile on Sana's face- I never even saw that before"Nayeon muttured

"I hope they lasts long"Momo uttured while chewing her foods

"Of course they will, what makes you think they won't?"Jihyo said, making that intense eye contact with the said latter

"Uhh--what?"Momo awkwardly let out a laugh

"You heard me right, Momo"

"No no no, I know they love each other but—

"That's nothing important, Momo is out of her mind today"Nayeon joked around, giving Momo a glare, which confuses the shit out of them

"Isn't this food enough, Lovey dovey?"Dahyun sweetly asked, brushing all her thoughts

"I want some jokbal"Momo pouted

"Okay I'll buy you that"Dahyun smiled

"Dahyun unnie's wallet when she started a relationship with Momo unnie"Xiaoting mumbled

"Excuse me, Nurse Shen. I always contribute when we always have a date"Momo said, putting an arms over her waist

"That's right"Dahyun agreed

"Yeah whatever, what am I gonna do? You're two and I'm just one"Xiaoting said, rolling her eyes

"Momo let's go"Nayeon pulled the younger somewhere

"Eh why?"Momo was confused as she was getting dragged by Nayeon

"What are they up to?"Jihyo asked as the two just shrugged their shoulders

"I don't know"

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