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"Mommy, I want some ice-cream!"

"You can't eat ice-cream, you have cough"a very familiar voice said, Tzuyu can't even see her lips moving

"Momma, can you please ask Mommy to let me eat an ice-cream?"

The little girl in a pink dress stomped her feet towards Tzuyu. She looks a lot like her, but she can clearly say that she acted like this one person on her mind.

"You can eat an ice-cream once your cough is already gone, little one"Tzuyu messes her hair, which she quickly pouted

"Aughh!"the little girl whined

"Baby, just listen to us okay? Ice-cream is bad, it may cause dryness and itchiness in your throat. This might worsen your cough more so you can't eat ice-cream for now, alright?"

"Okay, Momma"

"Good girl"

"Aly! Let's go now here, the food is ready!"the woman said, she really looked familiar but Tzuyu couldn't recognize her face

Tzuyu came closer to the woman, who seems to be the other parent of the child. She can't still recognize her, it was like knowing what you've wanted all along but can't remember a thing. It was so confusing.

They were smiling all along, looking like a healthy happy family.

"I love you"the woman said, but before she can reciprocate her words a sound of her phone brings her back to consciousness.

It was just a dream. A very weird dream.

Tzuyu didn't bother to take her phone as she think of her dream just now.

There was this woman, a beautiful woman to be exact. She can't recognize her since all she could see was her upper extremities.

But she called her Aly and only one person calls her Aly.

Her thoughts got ruined when her phone rangs once again. Tzuyu immediately sat up as she saw the caller's ID. It was just Dahyun.

Right, she fell asleep in her place for a while. She was just fixing something but it turns out like this, maybe that was because of what happened last night, she had been watching over Sana throughout the night. She can't stop on crying since she found out what happened to Sanny, until she fell asleep. And now, Tzuyu dreamed of her.

She sighed as she answered the phone call.

Ya! Chou Tzuyu! We're already on our way to the hospital, where the hell are you?

Tzuyu can heard Dahyun half whispering, but she didn't pay attention to that.

Sorry, I just woke up.

Sana unnie for sure is already finding you. You know that she always wanted you there by her side since she's going to States this coming two days.

Yeah, I'll get going now.


Dahyun half yelled once again.

Why are you whispering?

Just nothing— Don't end the call yet. I need to ask you something.

Oh okay. Go on.

Tzuyu found her weird but didn't push her with it.

Are you going with her as well?

You can just ask me that when I finally got there.

Tzuyu stood up as she took all her things and take it inside the trunk so that she won't waste some times.

Yes, but I can't anymore since Sana unnie is always with you. I wanted to ask you this alone.

That's not a big deal though. But to answer your question, No. I can't go with her.


I know her parents will take care of her there.

You wanted to go with her, don't you?

Of course. But that's what her parents want so I can't say no.

Okay then, I'll end this here now.

Before Dahyun could even end the call, Tzuyu did it first.

She immediately ran outside and drove to the hospital.

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