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"Did the fucking train just stopped in this kind of situation?!"Dahyun frustratedly said

"I told you to calm down, we can make it through the hospital okay?"Hansol assured

"We need to be prepared once the train has left!"Xiaoting exclaimed

"The things!"Elkie hurriedly took the things out

"Fucking shit! Her pulse!"Xiaoting said after checking it

"Come on, we have no time. Let's do this now"Hansol uttured

"Prepare the defibrillator, Elkie"Xiaoting said, which the latter followed suit

"Fuck it! Please please, Sana unnie, you can make it"Dahyun silently prayed as she watches Xiaoting doing her thing to Sana

"We have to charge the paddles to 200!"Xiaoting declares


"No pulse!"

"Shit, please"

"Move aside"Tzuyu commands who came out of nowhere as Xiaoting gave her the way

"How did you. . .?"Dahyun asked

"That's nothing important"Tzuyu stares at her without giving no signs of emotion, just focusing on Sana
"How was it?"she asked

Dahyun shut her mouth closed as Hansol was pointing at Tzuyu's car that was parked meters away from them. There was also people who was gathering around.

Of all places they chooses to watch here.


"Ms. Minatozaki's vital signs begin to change. Her heart rate is going up and down and it continues on falling down"Elkie announced

"We need to move fast!"Tzuyu prepared herself as she closed her eyes in frustration before she continues. She needed to do this for Sana.
"This can help her restore a normal heart rhythm, please guys can you help me?"the girls just nodded their heads

Don't you dare die on me, Sana. Stay with me please.

"Let's do this!"

And they do.

"Charge to 300!"

"Nurse Cho—

"Charge it!"

Elkie followed right away without saying anything as Xiaoting gave her a nod, assuring her. Tzuyu's position right now was worse, they can't stop her from doing what she wants.

"Her heart rate is already dropping"

"Chou, I think we need to stop right here"

"The doctors already did everything they had on the other hospital, she just needed to be transferred so we rushed her here"

They just arrived at the hospital on time. Dr. Son Chaeyoung, Dr. Kim Mingyu, Dr. Hong Joshua, and Dr. Yoo Jeongyeon were already there.

"Nurse Chou, please remain calm"Dr. Hong said as calmly as possible

"Tzuyu, please"Dr. Son softly patted her back

A heavy silence fell upon the place in an instant.

Tzuyu's tears suddenly dropped  across her face. She heard the sound of the flatline. She knows she heard it countless times, but Sana, her Sana, she'd remember hers for the rest of her life.

"Chou, I'm sorry for you loss"Dr. Son Chaeyoung tried to speak

"Tzuyu. . ."

The sound of Sana's heart stopping wasn't the only thing that stopped, everything just went in a complete silent.

"They did everything, Chou. You did all the best that you can. You know it, yourself— This is just not the right time for the both of you. Now is just. . . her last time"Dr. Hong uttured

Tzuyu dropped on her knees. Sana was gone. She was gone. She can't believe she will be gone forever.

I'd save lives for my entire life, but I couldn't save her, the only person that saved me.

I trained for this, I should've known how to save you.

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