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"Argh! How can I forgot that lips!"

"Ew, Sana. That's so rude of you!"Momo paused and gave her a goofy smile
"Give me the details"she counted

"It's just. . .

Tzuyu accompany Mina and Momo outside and headed back after. She saw Sana staring at her. She doesn't know what's with that look, really. It scares her.

"Sana, I think you need to sleep now. You look so drunk"Tzuyu started, but still- Sana is staring at her

A little while and Sana walked towards her.

"Are you really my Tzuyu?"Sana asked

"I am Tzuyu, but I'm not yours"Tzuyu frowned upon hearing that

"Yet"Sana added


"Tzuyu, I—

Sana stumbled over her own feet, luckily Tzuyu caught her. Now, she's laying on Tzuyu's arms.

"Be careful"

Tzuyu didn't get an answer from Sana so she checked her face.


That, Sana kissed her to her lips.



And. . .

She kissed the latter back.


She didn't know either. She just did.

"She kissed you back? That's impossible"Momo commented

"I don't need your opinion"Sana rolled her eyes
"Hey Tzuyu!"

On the other hand,

"Well, they look fine together"

"But how about me?"

"She doesn't feel the same"and that made the said latter stop

"Yeah she does. I will just. . . avoid her"

"And you're not going to confess to her?"

"I already keep this feelings to myself for so long. I will hide it forever, only you and I know this, Jeong"

"You're so coward, Nayeon"

"I know I am. I can't just ruin our friendship just because I fell in love with her. . . I'll leave you here"Nayeon left

Jeongyeon just looked away.

Even I, I can't even confess to the person I love.


"What happened to Jeongyeon and Nayeon unnie?"Tzuyu asked

"Fighting?"Sana shrugs

"It looks like they are talking seriously"

"Oh that's rare"

"Wait! What if Jeongyeon unnie already confessed to her?"Tzuyu excitedly said

"Nah uh, Nayeon unnie looks-"they both stared at Nayeon who walks away with that unexplainable expression
"Nevermind that, that might be something personal. Even if they were always bickering, Jeongyeon is still her safe wall"she stated

"Jeongyeon unnie told me that"Tzuyu agreed

"Let's just enjoy this and drink some alcohol"

"I told you, I don't drink those"

"Just try"


"Pretty please"

"Don't force her, Sana"Momo came with foods on her hands. Dahyun was also beside her, but she leaves after that.

"Why are you with Dahyun?"Sana asked with a knowing look

"She's the only person who's available. You, four humans were busy with your whatsoever worlds"

"I'm sorry, Momo unnie"Tzuyu apologized

"It's fine, if this snake weren't with you I'm sure I would have asked you instead"Momo uttured and that made Sana frowned

"I'm not snake!"Sana defended

"You're close to a real one"

"Asshole, I'm not!"

"Lower down your voices"Jeongyeon scolded

"Ya, stop fighting"Tzuyu muttured

"Guys, I think we should go now. The sky is really dark"Nayeon appeared and said

"I'll drive you home"Jeongyeon putted her jacket on

"I'll go with you, unnie!"Dahyun exclaimed

"Okay, be careful"Momo then look at the two
"What about you two?"she asked

"I'm staying here"Sana replied

"I don't have a ride"

"I'll take you home, stay here"

"Really, Sana?"

They waited there, not until the rain poured down.

Now, Momo is blaming Sana. They could've just went home earlier when Nayeon warned them, and now.

"Tzuyu's place was far, snake!"Momo shouted

"That's fine! It's my problem, not yours!"Sana shouted back and pulled Tzuyu along


The rain is pouring really hard and they are not sure if they can still make it at Tzuyu's house since it was a bit far from Momo's place.

"The rain was so heavy"Sana mouthed as she saw Tzuyu nods
"What about a sleep over at my place?"she counted

"Sounds great!"

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