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"So why did you bring me here?"

"I always brought Mina and Momo here. It's just relaxing, you know"Sana said, admiring the view infront of her

"This is the first time I came here"Tzuyu admitted

"You are not a Korean, aren't you?"


"So what brings you here?"

"I-I have my cousin here, Jihyo unnie"

"Relax, I'm just asking you. You look tense"Sana chuckled, seeing her reaction
"It's okay if that question bothers you, you don't need to answer me"she added

"It's just- my father. Once he knew about me, I'm sure he'll take me with him and I don't like it. I don't want to leave my mother alone"Tzuyu stated

"Your father doesn't know you?"Tzuyu slightly nodded

"He wasn't there when I was born"Tzuyu turned sideways, not wanting to cry infront of the older
"Let's just- talk about something else"she continued

"You want to eat?"

"I wanted to stay here"

"Alright. Can we. . . take a picture?"Sana shyly asked


And that, they took a picture here and there. It was not really hard to be friends with Sana. They just met a few weeks ago, but she already felt safe and comfortable around her.

"You're so cute, you know"Sana said, checking their photos. Tzuyu slowly leaned in and checked their photos as well.

"The girl besides me was way cuter"Tzuyu husked out

Sana blushed like crazy. She doesn't  know what got her more, the compliment or the way she leaned in.

"No you are"

"Okay then, I'm cuter"

"I like that confidence"

"I always am"

"I suddenly remembered Nayeon unnie"Sana chuckles

"Oh, I heard that name before"

"You do?"

"Yup, but I don't remember where and when"Tzuyu shrugs

"She's my friend by the way"

"Oh"Tzuyu mouthed an 'O' as she remembered that, that is her Jeongyeon unnie's crush, no replace that- she was inlove with her.

"Do you remember now?"

"Jeongyeon unnie's been—

"Oh wait? That freak?"Sana laughed, making Tzuyu frowned


"They were always fighting"

"Yes? That's what Jeongyeon unnie shows her love"

"What? She's inlove with Nayeon unnie?"

"Why? Is it a big deal?"

"Nah uh, it's just- I can't believe she's secretly inlove with Nayeon unnie. I can't just imagine"

"Yes, they said love is kinda- you know, it's unexpected"

"Have you ever been inlove?"Sana said, staring intently at her. She feel it again, her heart beating rapidly against her chest.

"Honestly, no. I just read some random novels about love, but I never feel it"Tzuyu turn to her and smiled and so Sana does
"You?"she asked

"I don't want to talk about it"

"So you do?"

"Yes not just once, but twice. But they are such a jerk"Sana scoffed


With that said, Sana immediately turn to where the said latter is.

"Hi Tzuyu!"Chaeyoung greeted, which Tzuyu returned a smile

"Where are you going?"

"To my friend, I haven't seen her for years so I wanted to visit her"

They talked for about 10 minutes that it felt like an hour for Sana and Chaeyoung took her leave after that.

"What's with the looks you're giving to that small doctor?"Sana asked right away

"What?"Tzuyu raised a brow, confused

"Oh come on, tell me"

"There's nothing"

"Do you still need to keep it a secret from me? I am your friend, Tzu"

"It's nothing, really"

"Okay let me guess, you like her?"


"Why are you stuttering then?"

"T-this is just a little crush"Tzuyu shyly admitted

"Ah that's why"Sana nodded, fixing her things
"It's already past 8, I think I need to go. Sorry, Tzu. I can't bring you home"she counted

"It's okay, I can manage"

"I gotta go"

My Naughty Patient | SaTzuWhere stories live. Discover now