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"Has my baby Tzu eaten already?"

"Ya! Jihyo unnie!"Tzuyu whined

"Why?"Jihyo stared at her innocently

"I am not a baby"

"You're my baby"

"I'm not"

"Okay. . . Sana's baby then"

"S-stop it, unnie"Tzuyu look to the side, fighting a blush

"Look who's blushing"Jihyo teased

"I'm going"

"Wait! You still need to eat here"

"I'll eat this on my free time instead. Thank you"Tzuyu took the sandwiches and quickly flew away before her unnie could tease her again


"Always check her on time, Nurse Shen. Call me if anything happens"

Nurse Shen just nodded, pushing her lips forward as she noticed how serious Dr. Hong had been up for this day.

"Dr. Hong"Joshua turn to his back the moment he heard that voice
"Having a tough day?"Tzuyu said, showing that gorgeous smile

"Nurse Chou"Joshua smiled at her

"A lunch together?"Tzuyu offered

"Thank you, Tzuyu. I badly need someone to talk to"

They walked together and they arrived at the cafeteria on time.

A months ago, they become that close. I mean- really close. They were on the same hospital, but they didn't talk that much. Not until, Tzuyu found out that he and Mingyu are friends.

"Minatozaki on disguise, yo!"Xiaoting shouted as she just arrived at the cafeteria and saw Sana

For her to shut up, the latter putted the last two pieces of Tteokbokki inside of her mouth.

"Damn you!"Sana slightly glared at her

"Look, she received your gifts already"Xiaoting pointed out

"She almost questioned me about that"

"And you declined?"

"Of course not! I didn't answer"

"What a waste! I'm waiting for that time so you and Tzuyu could be together already"

"I'm not yet ready, okay?"

"So when is that?"

"I don't know, Ting"


Tzuyu just received the gift and she's still here with Dr. Joshua.

"I have something to tell you"Joshua started

He's just quiet till they went here. Well, he's always like that so what else does she expect?

"What is it?"Tzuyu raised an eyebrow

"Promise me you won't get shock at this"

"Yeah sure"


"Wait, don't tell me you're the one who's sending me these?"Tzuyu showed the paper bags she received from her secret admirer a while ago

"Y-yeah"Joshua scrathes his back

"Wait! Are you, really?"

"I am"Joshua's not yet ready to confess today, so he said yes instead

"It's not like. . . Can you stop sending gifts? I don't want to sound rude, you know— you kept on sending me expensive stuffs, it's just a waste of money. I appreciate it, really. But I can't with this anymore"

On the other hand,

"I didn't expect Dr. Hong to claimed that stuffs. I mean- he's not really like that. I know he likes Tzuyu, but—

"He likes Tzuyu?"Sana cutted her off

"He do"Xiaoting awkwardly rubbed her nape

"I hate this so much"

"Sana unnie"Sana look up tiredly as Xiaoting continued
"If I were you I will confess to her right now"she added


"I know you're afraid. Your time is limited, so don't waste it. There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want"

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