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"I love your place"

"It's a bit big for us though"

"This is just good for three people"

"I'm not that used with this. . ."Tzuyu motioned the guys to go
"You can put it right there, Yu"she said

"You can take this extra chair to your room"Sana suggested

"Sounds, great— Yo Wonwoo, can you please take this upstairs? The room right there"the said latter just nodded his head as he do what Tzuyu says

"Let's take this sofa right here"Tzuyu did as Sana showed a thumbs up

"Hey, Tzuyu! The studio was already done! You go check it, Jihyo unnie and I fixed it too well"Xiaoting announced

"Yeah yeah, I'll check it"Tzuyu nods

"Wait, Tzuyu yah! I'll go with you"Sana ran towards her

They went to the said place and it was really fixed so well. Her father loves music so he bought this place.

"Let's go? I just came here to check"

"We're almost done so can we stay here for a while?"Sana said as she slowly walk towards Tzuyu, linking an arms on hers. She's clingy, but today is different, she became so clingy these past few days, really.

"Okay if you say so"Tzuyu smiles

"Would you like to dance?"Sana get to her front, asking for her hands to take to

"No. . . Would you like to dance, Mi amor?"Tzuyu put her left hand as an offering

Sana couldn't help but put a smile on her face as she place her right hand over Tzuyu's left hand. They started on dancing.

On the other hand was Sana's friends who was quietly watching them. Their eyes were sparkling, the smile on their faces can't be remove.

"Sana's safe with her"Nayeon mutturred happily

"I love it when I saw Sana chan like that"Mina said, sounding so supportive to her friend

"If you guys could turn down the cuteness that would be great"Momo said it out loud that made the two stopped

"What?"Tzuyu asked, confusion was written all over her face

"You guys are cute"Momo smiled

"I told you not to ruin their moment, Momo chan"Mina shooked her head

"I'm sorry"Momo push her bottom lip forward, sulking

"You guys are hungry?"Tzuyu let out

"Very hungry"Momo uttured

"You didn't even do anything since Dahyun kept on doing your works"Nayeon raised a brow at her

"Why do you keep on doing that huh?"

"Doing what?"

"Stop acting like that"

"Acting like what?"

"Arghh! You're so annoying"

"Stop fighting and I'll treat you all foods today for helping me arrange things in my house"Tzuyu smiled

"Oooh! Free foods!"Xiaoting came, jumping like little kid

"So tired of the heavy stuffs! Glad you finally decided to treat us foods"Mingyu snapped

"My boyfriend was complaining about that since earlier"Wonwoo stood beside him

"Boyfriend?!"Dahyun, Chaeyoung, Xiaoting, and Tzuyu said in unison with their shock expressions

"Yeah you heard him right"Mingyu confirmed

"I told you! He'll end up with Wonwoo!"Xiaoting told Dahyun

"I can't believe this"Dahyun said, totally amused at that

"I ship them from the start"Chaeyoung giggles

"That's not so straight of you, Won"Sana chuckled

"I can't believe I'll end up with this man"Wonwoo teased

"You're the one who started all of this"Mingyu foughted

"Uh huh. You confessed first"Wonwoo boastfully said

"I'm still single"Xiaoting abruptly raised her hand

"Jihyo unnie is there though"Dahyun said with that teasing smirk of hers

"What?"they both said as Jihyo came

Tzuyu chuckled.

"That's nothing, unnie. Let's go and eat!"

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