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"This is the papers which proves that you got almost half of his shares. You're lucky, Tzuyu"

"I don't need that at all"

"But it's yours already. The houses, companies, yachts. . ."Mark look behind her
"That Porsche, it's all yours now"he continued

"Mark, I can't take them all"Tzuyu shook her head, returning all the papers to him

"You're the only one who deserves to get this. You can't say no, it's all written on that papers"

"What about you? I-I mean—

"I'm not his real child at all. I really need to go now"

"Hold on, Mark"


"I wanted to give you the stuffs there in Taiwan. You know I can't handle that when I'm here"

"W-wait what?"

"You heard me right, Mark. It was written on the paper, It says that I can do anything I want so I'm giving you this"

She didn't heard anything from him and the next thing she knew was, Mark was hugging him- tearing up?

"Thank you, bro. You don't know how happy I am. My mum and I are going through a lot, but this. . . thank you, thank you so much"Tzuyu tapped his back

"And thank you for taking care of Papa"

Tzuyu immediately went to her new place- bought by her father five months ago. That time was when he's finding her and it didn't end long as he found Tzuyu, on her cousin's side. It was that time when her father planned on taking her to Taiwan.

But things changed. He passed away. Sure, she got all the money, but her father.

He left her and her mother because of one reason, their life was in stake. That's why her surname was still a 'Chou' her father was there when her mother gave birth. They didn't even file for divorce.

"You got a cool car right here, Tzuyu!"Dahyun exclaimed

"And a nice house as well"Xiaoting said, admiring the place

"Sana already knew about this?"Momo asked

"Yes. But she said she can't go here for now, she's having a dinner with some business partner so as her mom"Tzuyu shrugs

"But I texted her the address already"Momo uttured

"Well, that's fine"


After roaming the whole place, Sana came and now they are going to test her new car. Sana didn't bring her car so she's taking the latter to her place herself.

It didn't end long and they arrived on their destination.

"So? Should I leave you here now?"

"Before that, give me a kiss first"Sana said, pointing at her lips

Tzuyu didn't answered, instead she grabbed the back of her neck as their lips collided in a very long and passionate kiss. Both their eyes shut tightly, feeling the warm contact of their lips.

They kissed for a few minutes as Tzuyu pulled away, putting one last peck on the latter's lips. They both smiled in satisfaction as Sana's eyes went to the front gate.

Sana chuckled, making Tzuyu frown in confusion as she followed her action. There, Sana's mother- pretending to look up the stars when they were about to make an eye contact. She was looking at them, but pretended to look at the stars instead.

"I love your mom"Tzuyu confessed

"You do?"

"How can I not? She's an older version of you"

Sana happily smiled, leaning in to capture Tzuyu's lips with hers.

Please, can we stay like this forever?

They both stopped from kissing when they heard the door closing. Tzuyu chuckled as she motioned Sana to go inside already.

"Goodnight, Tzuyu. I love you"

"I love you too"

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