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A suicidal patient arrived at the ER was one again in chaos. The 21 years old patient lost too much blood. Nurse Shen along with Dr. Son took charge with the said patient.

He was supplied with oxgygen, the cut he did to himself was deep and it was very critical, to them to successfully perform the operation.

Nurse Chou got to check the patient if he is awake at his room.

Tzuyu directly went to the said room. But what she saw made her blood boiled. He was with her girlfriend, they were laughing and—

Wonwoo is holding her hands?

What the hell is happening right here?

Later on he was being hard to deal with, but with her girlfriend  he changed in an instant.

Really? Right infront of my gorgeous face?

Tzuyu made a coughing sound, which immediately caught their attention.

"Mr. Jeon, Dr. Son have already decided so your wish is finally granted. You can leave now"Tzuyu started

"Yeah thanks about that, Nurse Chou"Wonwoo smiled as he turn his gaze to Sana
"Can I get your number?"he asked

"Yeah sure"

They exchanged numbers as Tzuyu just watched them without showing any signs of emotion.


"Ya, Aly! Stop running away!"

"I'm not running away"

"Yes you are! It feels like it"Sana pouted as Tzuyu finally entered her station so she followed
"What's wrong with you?"she frowned

"Go talk to Wonwoo"Tzuyu crossed her arms

"Oh to Wonwoo?"

"Yes, Wonwoo. You just gave him your number"

"That's just a number, Aly"

"It's too obvious that he's into you"

"Then? What am I gonna do with that?"Sana grinned as she realized why Tzuyu is being like that
"I'm just being friendly, okay?"she grinned so big as the latter rolled her eyes

"You're too friendly, do you want us to be friends too?"

"Aish! Come on, Tzuyu. I'm serious here. Wonwoo is a patient. He just wanted to be friends with me"

"Yeah, friends with you my ass"Tzuyu rolled her eyes

"Stop rolling your eyes at me or I’ll make you roll your eyes for me right here in this table"Sana sternly said, but Tzuyu wasn't even scared at all. She just gave the said latter a challenging look.

Tzuyu stared at her right onto her soul and Sana gulped at that sight. She felt mixed emotions right now. She's afraid, at the same time excited.


Tzuyu started to step near her, which Sana quickly back away. Until she reached the edge of the table. The taller slowly made her hands just right onto the table, which Sana was in now.

"Or should I make you roll your eyes for me right here in this table, hmmm?"Tzuyu said, her hot breath fanning through Sana's face

Sana took that as a challenge and wrapped her hands over Tzuyu's shoulder.

"Do it then"

Tzuyu smirked and sneaked her hands through the latter's waist, caressing it sensually while moving closer slowly.

The latter gave her soft kisses in between her jaws and down to her neck.

But for Sana's disappoiment, Tzuyu suddenly stepped back.

"Ugh! Why?"

"I can't still accept the fact that you just flirted on Jeon Wonwoo a while ago"

"I said I didn't!"

"Yeah? I will keep that in mind"

The taller walked away.


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