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"Now, why are we following her all of a sudden?"

"Shut up, Chaeng. She might hear you"Dahyun shushed her up

"You two minions, stop on talking and kept an eye at her"Jeongyeon mutturred

"I'm doing that. And don't call me minions because I am surely not!"Dahyun foughted, hands on her waist

"You are"

"I'm not! I already grew 2cm"

"Just 2cm, you can't still reach my height"

"Unnie, I swear—

"Don't fight, Sana unnie is already getting inside her car"Chaeyoung stood up as she fixed her things as the two stared at her

"Where do you think you're going?"Dahyun frowned

"I still have a date"

"No, you stay with us"

"I can't just use my day off with this kind of shits"

"There's a lot of time for that, Chaeyoung. This is more important. What if she's really cheating on Tzuyu?"

"Aish! I can't believe you two"

They followed Sana with a car, but not their own car of course. It owned by Jeongyeon's sister so that Sana wouldn't recognize them, stalking her.

Sana entered the parking entrance and parked her car, which Jeongyeon did as well. She parked the car just meters away from Sana's. They waited for her to go out as they followed right away.

A little moments of following and she was met by this girl, she's just inches taller from her. She's got the same personality as her, they assumed.

Soon enough and the other one left, which they proceed to walk towards her, pretending they just bumped on her.

"Hi Sana unnie!"Dahyun greeted with that smile plastered across her face

"Oh, why are you guys here?"Sana seems got taken by surprise the moment she saw them

"Of course, this is a public mall so everyone can go"Jeongyeon sarcastically said

"Ah, you're funny"Sana slightly chuckled

"Where is your girlfriend?"Jeongyeon asked

"What are you talki. . . You're talking about Tzuyu?"Sana look at the latter as if she was crazy, which she really is

The two of them gasped, covering their mouth in full shock.

"So that means there's more than just Tzuyu you're dating?"Dahyun glared

"Of course, Sana. Because who else is there? It's obvious that we're talking about Tzuyu! Your girlfriend! Unless. . . You have another one?"Jeongyeon crossed her arms, with that serious face she got

"Come on. What are you guys doing here for real?"Sana sighed

"We're digging for dirt?"Chaeyoung said, more like questioning

"If there is any?"Dahyun adds up

"That's stupid"Sana shook her head

"I think so too, so I need to go now"Chaeyoung was about to go when Dahyun took a hold on her wrist, stopping her from doing so

"We're here all together"Dahyun said

And the next thing happened made them stopped from talking.

"It's already been a year guys. Why now? I swear Tzuyu is my one and only so please don't doubt about my love for her because I assure you I have no other woman or man other than her. Tzuyu is my everything. I already proved that to all of you. If you guys are wondering about my whereabouts, I still can't say that. I have my reasons. Everything has a reason"and that, Sana walked out, leaving them all speechless, mouth hanged open, can't find a words to say

"Shit! Look now? We shouldn't be doing this kind of stuffs. This is not right"Chaeyoung frustratedly ran her hands through her hair

"I-I think we hurted Sana unnie's feelings"Dahyun sadly mutturred

"But— what kind of reasons she says?"

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