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"Why are you wearing a jacket all of a sudden?"Tzuyu's friend, Mingyu asked

"Why? Is it bad?"

"Not really, it's just that- you're not wearing them"Mingyu slightly chuckled

About that, Sana actually told her to wear this to hide that so called- hickeys. But when she was about to reply then someone came.

"What's up bros!"Tzuyu's other friend, Wonwoo get in

"Yow! Free time?"Mingyu asked, doubting him

"Want me to show my schedule?"Wonwoo sat next to Tzuyu before he smack the latter's head

"I believe you, Won"Tzuyu uttured

"Ha! Tzuyu's on my side"Wonwoo said, pointing his finger at Mingyu

"By the way, I have class at 9AM. I'll leave you two here later"Tzuyu said

"I can't be with him so I'll accompany you to your class instead"Mingyu said

"Just tell us, you wanted to be with her"Wonwoo teased

"Bro, shut up"

"He's guilty"

"I'll stab your face"

"I'll kill you"

"I'll get going now"Tzuyu stood up, making them stop from fighting

"Hey! I'll go with you!"Mingyu exclaimed

"No thanks!"and then Tzuyu ran away

Being a nursing student was kinda difficult to Tzuyu, half of her tuition was paid by her, she doesn't want to be a burden to her mother so she's doing this.

"Hi Chou"

Here it goes again, her annoying suitor.

"What again this time, Chul?"Tzuyu turn to him lazily

"I just wanted to give you this"he said giving a box of foods to Tzuyu, which she took it

I mean- who says no to foods?

No one!

"Thank you"

"Tzuyu ah! There you are! I've been looking for you"there, Dahyun came

"Nice timing"they heard Chul mumbled

"I'm sorry, Chul. I already talked to Tzuyu that she's going with me"Dahyun said in a teasing tone

"Be thankful, Tzuyu's here"Chul whispered and bumped on Dahyun's shoulder before he walked away

"I don't trust that guy"Dahyun uttured

"He's nice to me, unnie"

"Not to me"

"Because you're being harsh to him"

"So as he does"

"I don't know why you are always harsh with my suitors"

"I don't like them, Tzuyu"

"I don't really get you"

"Because I like you!"Dahyun burst out

"U-unnie"Tzuyu was shock with the sudden confession. However, she speaks
"I really value our friendship, unnie. I appreciate your attention, I really do. But I'm sorry, I don’t feel the same and I would really love it if we can still be friends"she continued

Shit, why is she being nice like this. I'm going to cry!

"Jeez that was long"Dahyun chuckled


"There was this girl that I like, I wanted to confess to her and here I am practicing my lines. That's the nicest way to reject a friend huh"

"I really thought—

"That will never happen. Duh! I can't be inlove with my friend"

"That's good to hear then"Tzuyu smiled, not knowing Dahyun's confession was real

"That hurts"Dahyun mumbled and smile through pain

"I hope you can say those words to her, unnie. Fighting!"

I already did.

"Of course, let's go!"Dahyun stop midway when she saw Tzuyu on her phone
"Hey Tzu!"she exclaimed

"For a while"Tzuyu type something on her phone

"Who's that?"Dahyun sneakily peek through the latter's phone

"Sana"Tzuyu smiled

Sana sent a picture and Dahyun didn't dared to look anymore as she doesn't want her heart to shatter into pieces again.

"Cute"Tzuyu mutturred

"I have to go now!"

"Okay! See you!"

Aish, what a painful day to begin with.

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