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"Ms. Minatozaki, your doctor just called"Aki, Sana's butler said

"I don't want to"Sana whined, knowing Tzuyu wasn't around the hospital.

How did she know?

Of course she always had an eye, who's checking on Tzuyu. It's not exactly like that, but she always asked this person about her whereabouts.

"Ms. Hirai and Ms. Myoui will be here at any minute"

"What?! No!!"

"I'm sorry, Ms. Minatozaki"and then she left

"Arghh! I hate my life"Sana stomped her feet, walking towards her closet to her change clothes. She have no choice, but to obey. For sure, Momo and Mina will just force her.

"Satang, are you ready?"then there's Momo

"I'm too lazy"Sana opened her arms, smiling innocently
"Carry me"she counted

A few moments later,

"You're so heavy"

"Why the hell did we agreed on this?"

"Come on, we're almost there"Sana giggled

"Ladies, what are you doing?"Sana's father asked as he saw them carrying Sana with their arms

"This is what she wanted"Mina replied

"We need to go now, Ojisan"Momo uttured

In a matter of minutes, they arrived at the said hospital with Mina driving the car.

"See you later, Sana chan! Fighting!"

While waiting for Sana, the two Japanese girls roam around the hospital first.

". . . Now!"

They heard someone says and a short girl appeared. She was in a hurry so she bumped on Mina, that made the latter land on the cold floor.

"Oh my goodness! I'm sorry!"the doctor kept on bowing as Mina slowly stood up because it hurts like hell

"Watch your way, next time doc"Momo sternly said

"Yes Ma'am, again I'm sorry"she bowed once again

"Dr. Son!? What took you so long?!"

"Here I come!"

"Yo, Mina. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine now"


"Oh! It's Tzuyu!"Momo pointed at the girl front of them

"Hi Tzuyu chan!"Mina greeted as if she wasn't hurt just a while ago

"I was actually sleeping when Mrs. Minatozaki called"Tzuyu admitted

"Sorry for that, it's just- you know Sana's only listening to you to take her medicines so. . . Do you agree with the deal?"Mina carefully asked, calling all the Gods and Goddesses that she would agree

"I'm not sure with it"Tzuyu shyly scratches her nape

"I mean- it's a good deal, Tzuyu! It was like a work from home. Don't worry because your time is paid"Momo smiled

"You haven't mentioned why Sana's going to the hospital"Tzuyu muttured, which widened their eyes. Tzuyu just stared at them confusly, she can't really understand those two, really.

"Sana chan"Mina whispered. She did not really, that was just her normal voice so.

"Tzuyu, I thought—

"She went here for you"Momo smiled and glance at Tzuyu, gaving her that look

"Really, Tzu?"Sana said, clinging onto the said latter

"Ah yeah"Tzuyu hesitated, but Momo was pleading her with her eyes

"She's going to be your private nurse so that you don't have to go back here again and again"Momo stated, which lightened Sana's mood

"And that, let's go"Momo intently pulled Sana away from Tzuyu, without letting her talk

"See you next Sunday, nurse Chou!"Mina bid a goodbye. Tzuyu just scratched her head.

"Ah bye"

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