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Tzuyu was busy with her what so called business when someone knock on their door. She was the only person there as her mother and her cousin went somewhere.

Today was her off duty so she's helping her mother wrap her foods that she will sell for later.

She didn't bother to change her clothes as she's pretty sure that it was just some delivery man or her mother's seller.

As she opened the door, she immediately greeted them with a question.

"Hi what can I do for— Sana? What are you doing here?"Tzuyu got surprised at Sana's sudden visit

"Uhmm. . .

Sana was amazed and mesmerized at the same time.

But suddenly, the latter closed the door infront of her face.

"I'll just change my clothes!"Tzuyu exclaimed

"Don't change!"

Tzuyu opened the door, but her face is only visible.


"Your clothes is fine so let me in"


"I said it was fine"

Sana stepped inside and stared shamelessly at the taller, her blonde hair falling on one side of her shoulder, exposing her collarbone on the other. She's wearing a blue knitted crop top that's shows off that toned abs and black shorts, showing such great long legs.

The sight infront of Sana was making her explode.

I need her so bad.

No, Sana. Stop your horny ass. You're not here for that.

"Hmm, you like what you see?"Tzuyu said, a teasing smile tugging her lips
"You better try to be more subtle on checking me out"she cocks her eyebrows up

Sana bites her lower lip, looking at the latter up and down once more.

"You know let's just go at the kitchen"Tzuyu mutturred

"Sure"Sana smiled

"Right this way m'lady"Tzuyu held Sana's hand as she closed the door behind them

"Is this some kind of Romeo and Juliet?"

"Nah, it's Juliet and Juliet"

"Much better"

"I'm wrapping some foods here. Care to help me?"

"Yeah sure. But can I stay here first?  It's kinda boring in my house since Momo, Mina, and Nayeon were not around"

"You can stay here anytime"

"Your mother won't mind?"


"Where is she by the way?"

"I'm not sure, but I know they are still in the middle of their work"

"So. . . Are we the only people here until later?"Sana had her seductive smirk


Sana just nodded and started to do as what Tzuyu told her. Tzuyu found her weird, but she did the same way as well.

It was a matter of minutes when they finished. Thanks to Sana, and she finished her work that fast.

"Ha- that's quite tiring"Tzuyu uttered

"You want some massage?"Sana stood up and went behind her

Tzuyu just hummed as Sana began to massage her, slowly but surely.

It was fun at first, but then- Sana started to use her mouth to massage her exposed back.

"Sana, you—

The said latter found its way through Tzuyu's lap. She held her head as Sana crashed against her lips, she moaned at the roughness and warm contact.

Sana's hips moves gently, grinding. The kiss deepened as Sana unconsciously grind more on Tzuyu's top. She can't stop, it felt so good to even stop.

"Tzuyu, I'm home!"

"S-shit"Tzuyu hurriedly stood up and place Sana on the chair near her
"Ya unnie, where's Mama?"she acted as if nothing happened

"She'll follow later. . . Sana's here? Why is she— Did you guys fought?"Jihyo asked

"No"Tzuyu denied

"Yeah?"Jihyo eyed her suspiciously

"We're going upstairs. Bye!"

"Aish! This kids"

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