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"You're overworking yourself, Tzu"

"It's okay, unnie. The patient was only listening to me, but not to everyone. I needed to stay there a little longer for him"

"And yet you're going to a date with Sana? It's okay to rest sometimes, Tzuyu ah. I'm sure Sana can understand that"

"But unnie. . ."

"Yeah? What's the matter?"

"Papa's secretary just called me"

"Wait, what?!"Jihyo snapped a little too loud
"How come did they. . . ??"she questioned

"Connections, unnie"Tzuyu look away as she swallowed hard
"I don't know, but this somewhat makes me feel some inexplicable feeling"she fidgeted with her fingers

"I'm sure he won't take you away from Imo. Just think positive, Tzu"Jihyo smiled

Is that really the reason why I'm feeling this kind of emotions?

I'm not sure at all.

"You need to tell this to Sana"Jihyo uttured

"Yeah, that's why I needed to see her right now even if I'm tired because for sure I'll be taking my flight early in the morning tomorrow"

"Are you telling this to Imo as well?"

"I don't know"Tzuyu nervously let out

"Tzuyu, I think she deserves to know the truth. You said you won't hide anything from her, right? So tell her"


Tzuyu took a cab in full silence. Sana wasn't there to pick her up as she said so. Plus, she doesn't know her end shift as she took an overtime earlier.

The whole ride, all she think was about her father. She doesn't even know why he got this big impact on her. She just badly needed to get in there to know.


"I thought you will not come"Sana muttured

"I won't do that"Tzuyu then sat across her couch
"What's our plan this time?"she asked

"I have no idea, honestly"

"Want some cuddles?"

"I love that"Sana giggled as she composed herself and then get in position, with her being the little spoon and Tzuyu being the big one

The way Sana massage her hands from time to time made her forget the problems she had in her mind. Sana do really have an effect like this on her.

Tzuyu hummed some songs while caressing Sana's hair. If ever her father will take her away then she will not be able to hold her like this.

Aish! My stupid brain was not even helping and kept on thinking negative thoughts!

"Hey, Tzuyu ah? Is there something wrong?"Sana look up

"Actually. . . I have something to tell you"

"What is it?"

"I'm leaving tomorrow"

"You're leaving? Where?"

"To my father, y-you know. Her secretary didn't said any word after that. I think this is a very important matter"

"You look so nervous"

"I-I mean this is the first time I will be seeing him in person for real"

"How about your work then?"

"I still got three paid vacation day and I'll use my one for this"

"So I'll be not seeing you for a whole day tomorrow?"Sana pouted

"But don't worry, baby. I'll get home after that. Don't be sad anymore"Tzuyu softly caressed her chubby cheeks

"Can't I really come?"

"If it's okay then I already did"

"Okay, just— don't forget to call me"

"Yeah, I promised"

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