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"Welcome back, Nurse Chou"

"How's your days with Sana unnie?"

"I want to skate too"

"If I have some time, I will definitely take Nayeon there"

Four of Tzuyu's friends said as Tzuyu kept on walking away, not paying attention to them.

"Ya Tzuyu!"Dahyun yelled

"Yeah? You're saying something?"Tzuyu innocently asked

"So all this time you're not even listening to us?"Jeongyeon scoffs

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you"

"Aish! You—

"Dr. Yoo! There's a three patient injured due to a car accident"some nurse called out, which Jeongyeon came along with the said nurse

"How's the condition?"


"Time check"Xiaoting checked her wrist watch
"8pm, still Sana unnie is not here. What's up with her, really?"she frowned

"We don't have any idea. How about Tzuyu? Does she know anything about this?"Dahyun asked

"She's currently finding Sana unnie though"Chaeyoung shrugs

"I'm wondering about her with that matters. This had happened before, right?"Jeongyeon uttured

"We don't know- maybe she has a reason?"Xiaoting huffed

"So you guys were doubting Sana unnie?"Chaeyoung raised a brow

"No, of course not. It's just Jeongyeon unnie"Dahyun pointed out

"Hi"Tzuyu showed up

"Tzuyu! You know these—"Xiaoting's mouth got covered from saying so

"Let's go find Sana unnie"Dahyun awkwardly laugh

"You said you wasn't in it"Chaeyoung abruptly mumbled

"Shut up"

"That's what I'm going to do right now"Tzuyu snapped out as she carefully checked their facial expressions
"You guys are really weird today"she counted

"Just don't mind them, they are always like that"Chaeyoung said, giving them that look

"Yeah. I'll take my leave now"Tzuyu turned behind her

"Wait! Can I come!"Dahyun exclaimed

"No"Tzuyu shook her head

"Wait, you already know where she was?"Xiaoting asked

"Not really. I'll find her— alone"

"We can help though"


"So mean"

Tzuyu decided that she would go to Mina's place as she's sure the latter knew something about Sana's whereabouts.

And that, her instinct were right, she saw Mina getting out of its place in a fast manner. The latter immediately got inside her car and drove away. Never ever she saw Mina like that.

Why all of a sudden?

Should she follow her?

No it could be something important.

But change of plans, Tzuyu was now here infront of—

Sana's place?

Well, she did a right choice. But why does she look so unusual?

"Mina unnie!"Tzuyu called out


"Is Sana there? She wasn't answering my calls. How is she?"

"Actually, Tzuyu. . . You know let's just go inside"

The two immediately went inside as Mina stop on the living room, giving Tzuyu a signal to go upstairs- herself, which she did.

Sana's at the guess room. She wasn't even in her room. The moment she opened the door, there she saw Sana, lying on the bed. She doesn't look fine at all.

"Are you alright?"Tzuyu asked worriedly as she sat on the edge of the bed
"Are you sick?"she adds up

"This is just a normal day for me, Tzuyu ah. This will be gone tomorrow, for sure"Sana smiled

"What are you feeling right now?"

"I'm totally fine. You don't have to worry, you still have your job tomorrow morning so you need to get home now"

"No, Sana. I want to stay with you here. I'll take care of you, hmm?"

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