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Tzuyu was already on her way to the hospital when she bumped on a flower shop, so she decided to buy some flowers for Sana first. It was just a matter of minutes when she bought flowers so she immediately went back to her car.

Unlucky her, traffic comes.

Her phone rangs, she wasn't even paying attention to it earlier as she was driving. Her mother said that answering a phone call when she's driving is dangerous so she's not doing that. But now, since the unknown latter seems persistent on calling her then she finally answered it, without checking if who is it.


Tzuyu ah! Where are you?!

Knowing it was just Jeongyeon, she rolled her eyes. She swears if this is just some kinds of her pranks.

Unnie, keep quiet.

Why aren't you answering your phone?!

Calm down. I'm driving, okay?

Don't you think that maybe it's an emergency call and you're still persisting over what your mother tells you.

Okay, I'm sorry

Why can't you just tell her directly?!

And that was Nayeon.

Dahyun didn't mention, Sana got an attack again.


Watch your mouth, kid. But don't worry because she's already on her way with the ambulance.

She heard Nayeon once again,

What do you mean, don't worry? She just got a fucking severe attack. It's a serious heart attack that can cause significant damage!

Guys. . .

Shut the hell up! I'm not saying this things to her because I know she—

I'll hung this up now. I'll be going there in a minute.

Tzuyu said in a fast manner without even breathing as she ended the phone call immediately.

Jeongyeon's side (Hospital)

"Look what you did!"Jeongyeon yelled

"What did I do wrong?!"Nayeon argued back

"I swear, Nayeon if something bad happens to Tzuyu"

"Why are you blaming me huh?"

"Stop overreacting"

"For sure she will sped up her car just so she can make it here in an instant!"

"Oh please, Jeongyeon. I don't want to argue with you anymore"

"You don't know what Tzuyu can do"

Nayeon didn't mind her and just walked away.


Tzuyu run her car in full speed the moment the traffic went gone, she's already breaking all the red lights.

But something's off, everything just went on slow motion, it suddenly becomes heavy, she couldn't pinpoint what's happening right now.

She saw how the people gather around.

Suddenly, life flashes before her eyes.

She saw the very first moment Sana made her stutter, she swears she looks like a tomato that day. No one, literally no one made something like that to her. She didn't even know the reason why she made her smile by something so simple. Maybe that's what they called Love at first sight?

Everything just keep on flashing on her mind, that time when she realized she loves her, her confession, their dates, all of it.

When she saw an ambulance and the fact that the ambulance's light are all red— meaning, it's either be the patient is fighting for their lives or already gone.

Hansol was the driver and Dahyun's on his side.

All of the car were not moving as there were a train.

Why? Why on earth this train came in this kind of times?

What is this?

A soul train?

With that, she doesn't even know what happened next and everything just went black.

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