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"I cooked foods for all the nurses and doctors here!"her loud voice echoed the whole station

"Thanks, Ji. But I still have my call"Jeongyeon said

"What a waste! You won't get to taste Jihyo unnie's cooked foods"Dahyun said, already eating on the corner

"Jihyo unnie is a great chef!"Xiaoting exclaimed

"I'm fed up with her cooking"Tzuyu muttured

"Chou Tzuyu"Jihyo glared, hands on her waist

"So! I'll take my leave now. I'll make it up to you next time!"Jeongyeon then left after saying that

"Forgive her, unnie. She's always busy that she can't even hang out with us anymore"Xiaoting uttured

"What about her love life?"Jihyo asked, wanting to know

"I'm done with her unrequited love"Dahyun sighed

"Says the one—

"Can I get a water please!"Dahyun pretended to be nauseous

"What are you trying to say, Ting?"Jihyo still asked

"Ms. Minatozaki was here"Xiaoting announced and their attention went to the sight infront

Doctor and nurses bowed to her as they walked towards their direction.

"Hi Tzuyu!"Sana greeted

"Only Tzuyu?"Xiaoting muttured

"Oh hi!"Sana awkwardly laugh

"Want some food?"Jihyo offered two foods for them

"Thank you!"Momo quickly took it

"Momo"Sana silently scolded her friend

"That's fine, Sana! Here take this as well"Jihyo said giving her the food

"Thank you"

"How about me?"Chaeyoung came with Mina by her side

"There's nothing left"Jihyo replied

"Here, you can take mine instead"Sana said handing the food to her

"No! It's yours"Jihyo shouted

"Unnie, lower down your voice"Tzuyu said as she removed her hands away from her ears

"Let's just eat outside, Chaeng"Mina said, smiling

"Okay!"Chaeyoung said like a little kid

"Something's very fishy"Momo said while chewing her food

"We need an explanation, Doctor Son Chaeyoung"Dahyun stated firmly

"We're just friends"Chaeyoung defended

"Lying is bad my dear doctor"Momo grinned

"They look like they're telling the truth though"Jihyo said after checking their actions

"Well, that's the first stage"Xiaoting mumbled

"All right! I need to go. I still need to deliver foods. Tzuyu ah! Goodluck, take care. Love you!"Jihyo said, gathering her things together

"Bye, unnie. Love you too"Tzuyu said

"Bye guys! Take care of my cousin"Jihyo stood up

"I'm not a kid anymore, unnie"Tzuyu pouted

"Still"Jihyo pinched her cheek before she leave

"Jihyo unnie can be that sweet sometimes"Dahyun giggled

"Dr. Gong needs help, Dahyun ah! Let's go!"Xiaoting pulled her along without even letting her say a word

"Momo ya! Dahyun left already"Sana shouted right onto her ears


"Aren't you going with her?"

"Here I come! Wait me later, k? I need a ride"

"So? What about the two of you?"Sana said, referring to Mina and Chaeyoung

"Yeah I'm hungry let's go"Mina took Chaeyoung's hand and they leave

"Uhh- why did you??"Tzuyu raised a brow

"Why? I wanted you by myself"Sana smirked


Tzuyu nervously steps away as she saw her getting near her.

"Relax, it's just me and I don't bite. . . Unless you want me to"Sana smirked

"What are you really up to?"Tzuyu frowned

"I just wanted to invite you. I didn't get to do that because you're busy with your work"

"Until now"

"Okay, later after your off"


"I'm serious"

"I still have something to do later"

"Tommorow, final"

"Aish! Fine!"

"Great then! See you tomorrow"

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