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"I miss going here, you know"Tzuyu stared at the view infront of her. They were now at the Banpo bridge as she just got discharged to the hospital.

"Me too"Sana rested her head to the latter's shoulder

"I love you, Aly"

"I love you too"

"Can we stay like this forever?"

Sana smiled as she kissed her cheeks.

"Of course and we'll meet Dr. Williams here, by the way"


"It's not about something about my disease. He just wanted to visit Seoul and I recommend him here with his wife"


"Does heart disease shorten your life?"

"Without treatment, heart disease can shorten your life. However, staying on top of your health and putting together a treatment plan with your doctor can allow you to enjoy life for many years to come"

"We can open vessels to relieve symptoms from coronary artery disease"Dr. Adams said

"Or if you want, we can repair or replace diseased valves. When damage to the heart muscle causes your heart to fail, we can offer a mechanical assist device to help your heart pump more strongly or do a heart transplant"

"So stop overthinking, Tzuyu ah"

"But can't it be cured?"

"Well, Dr. Adams said- heart failure is a long-term condition that can't be cured. But treatment can help keep the symptoms under control, possibly for many years. The main treatments are: healthy lifestyle changes. . . We've been doing this for years already. And just as my doctor said, I can still enjoy my life for many years to come"

"Yes, that's true. Just maintain what you're doing now"Dr. Williams said, assuring them

"Thanks, Doc"Tzuyu smiled

"Thank you for guiding me and my wife here, by the way"

"That's no problem, Dr. Williams"

"I think we need to go now. Nice meeting you again, Tzuyu"

"It was nice meeting you too, Dr. Williams"


"Here, Sana. Come eat"

"Can you feed me?"

"Sana, you're not a baby- for me to feed you"

"I won't eat then"Sana crossed her arms

"Why are you like this?"Tzuyu sighed at Sana's stubbornness

"You know you owe me a lot because if I hadn't flirted with you that day, we wouldn't be together right now"

"If I didn't pay attention to you we would not have what we had right now"

"Are you still gonna argue with me?"

"Okay fine— here"Tzuyu accepted her defeat as she feed Sana

"Thank you, Daddy"Sana smiled innocently

"Daddy huh"Tzuyu smirked as she caresses the latter's thigh
"What does my baby wants?"she asked

"Your food, I'm hungry"Sana playfully said, caressing her tummy

"Do you want daddy to eat you?"Tzuyu lean dangerously close, wearing that teasing smirk of hers

"Tzuyu, I'm infront of the food. Have some respect"Sana frowned

"Neither I"Tzuyu had her smirk widened. And the moment Sana realize the meaning of it, made her blush.

"Tzuyu"Sana turn sideways

"You're red"Tzuyu laughs

"You're so annoying, you know"

"You started it first"


"You called me daddy"


"I was just teasing you"

They shared a random teasing as they finished the foods and washed the dishes after. It was just that moment when they decided to cuddle in the couch.

"I want to go on a vacation with you"Tzuyu mumbled


"How about in between your legs?"Tzuyu playfully said as she peck Sana's lips

"I hate you"

"I love you too"

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