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Sounds of door bell was heard outside but still- no one was even answering.

Tzuyu was now being impatient right there. She already texted Sana that she's here infront of her house.

Her three cars were there so why is she not opening the gate for her?

As far as she knows, she didn't do anything that will make her mad or something. They were fine the last time she checked.


The latter itself turn sideways and was met by Momo.

"W-what are you doing here?"Momo asked

"Visiting Sana. She's not answering my calls, unnie. Do you perhaps know something?"

"Ah- No?"

"Why are you holding. . . Uhmm foods?"

"This is for me! I-I bought this for me, yeah for me, this is mine- yes it is!"

Momo seems very weird today.

And for what?

Tzuyu examined her face carefully.

Why is she stuttering all of a sudden?

She's so weird, really.

"Nevermind that, she's just always weird so"

"What did you just say?"Momo frowned

"Uhh— Did I think that loud?"

"You're disrespecting me"

"Oh no, I'm sorry!"

"I will not accept your sorry"

"O—kay? But can you please tell me where Sana is? I already went to the places that she can stay in, but she's not even there. I called her, but she's not answering. Please unnie, I'm really worried about her"

"You went to her Condo?"Tzuyu just nodded
"Even her penthouse?"Momo asked again

"I already did, but I can't find her. Can you help me?"

"She went overseas. She didn't tell you?"Mina came, with a paper bags in her hand?

Why are they here when Sana is not here then?

Tzuyu wanted to believe that, but something is really off to her. She can't just explain it.

"No, actually. She didn't even contact me"Tzuyu pouted

"Even I, and Momo chan. I only found out when Aki told me, right Momoring?"Mina told her

"Ah yeah, Aki told us"Momo nods

"But. . . Can I ask you?"Tzuyu uttured as the two made an eye contact and back to Tzuyu

"Yeah, Tzu. Go on"Mina nods

"Why are you guys here? And she didn't use her cars?"

"First, we're here to take my car right there"Mina said, pointing at the blue car parked next to Sana's
"And she didn't need to use her car as her family's driver already picked her up"she stated


"So, I'll take my car now. Do you want to go inside, hmm?"Mina asked, which Momo choked in a thin air

"I-I'll go with you"Momo muttured

"There's no need, unnie. Thanks for the information, by the way"Tzuyu smiled

"You can just call her later. I'm pretty sure she's just busy at this time"Mina then pulled Momo along inside

Tzuyu watches as the two get inside and Mina immediately went towards her car, with Momo following her behind.

Her phone suddenly vibrated, indicating that someone just texted her. She checked it and saw Sana's name on it. She smiled.


Hi, Aly! Just wanted to
inform you, I'm here outside
your penthouse. I have your
favorite foods with me.




Answer my calls, please.

You're not here : (

I'll move to your Condo. And
I hope you're here this time.

I'm sorry I didn't ask for
your permission to get
inside of your Condo.
But, you're not here.
I missed you already : (

I'm here infront of your
house right now.

Aly, please respond.

No one's even there.
Where are you, Aly?


I'm sorry, Aly. I didn't
get to inform you that
I went overseas. I forgot
my phone in my house.
But don't you worry, I'll
make it up to you once
I got home, alright? Get
home safe, okay? Love you.

Tzuyu smiled as she read Sana's message. She take a last look at her house and get herself home after that.

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