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"Nurse Chou, in my office now"Dr. Hong called out. His voice was intimidating and once you heard it you will definitely get afraid of it.

"You will be getting scolded again, Tzu"Dahyun murmured

"You should focus on your job first, Tzu"Mingyu reminded her

"Yeah, I know that. Now excuse me"Tzuyu then followed Dr. Hong right away

In Dr. Hong's office, with him scolding Tzuyu.

"As a nurse, you should take care of your responsibilities here, Nurse Chou. Is that clear to me?"Dr. Hong sternly said, which Tzuyu nodded her head in an instant, apologetically looking at him

"I sincerely apologize on my behalf, Dr. Hong"

"I want you to be responsible to your job, Nurse Chou. Even if you have the hospital's owner as your girlfriend, doesn't mean you can just leave your responsibilities here inside the hospital. To be clear, I am still the director of this hospital and you are under my supervision so you are still expected to obey and listen to what I say"

"Yes, Dr. Hong"

"You can now leave"


"Dr. Hong just scolded me. Let's just hang out when I got my break time"

"I'm sorry, because of me Dr. Hong scolded you"

"You don't need to say sorry, Aly"

"Now that I can't go out with you, we won't see each other that much anymore"Sana pouted

"That's fine, we can still see each other when I got my off duty"

"That's not fair to me. . . I will still visit you there"

"But Dr. Hong—

"Don't worry because I will not take you out anymore. I just wanted to see you or have a lunch with you even just in the hospital's cafeteria"

"Just say you can't live a single day without me"Tzuyu teased

"I want to see you everyday"

"Me too"Tzuyu cupped her cheeks

"Let's go, I'll walk you home"

They walked silently, but it's not that awkward. They are just enjoying each other's company.

Soon they arrived at Sana's front gate.

"We're here"Sana muttured

"Go inside."Tzuyu said and smiled
"I just wanted to be sure that you're safe"she adds up

Sana nodded her head as a blush made it's way on her hot face. She immediately went inside so that Tzuyu won't see her already red face.

"Hi there! What took you so long?"Sana was met by her friend, Momo

"Why are you here?"Sana raised her brows strictly

"I just wanted to visit you and you're now an hour late! But. . . I don't mind since you're with someone, someone who is very special to you"Momo sat comfortably on her sofa, giving her that teasing look

"I need to rest, Momo"

"Oh did you do something tiring tonight?"


"Excuse me? What I meant was not what you think, Minatozaki. You're the one who's dirty minded here"

"The door is open, you can leave now"

"How dare you?"

"I'm serious, Momo. Let's just talk tomorrow afternoon"

"Yes, my dear friend. Have a good night"

"It's not a good night anymore since you already ruined it"

"Yeah, I have to go now. Goodnight, dream with Tzuyu"

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