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"What was this?"Sana asked, looking at Tzuyu's shelves

"That was. . ."Tzuyu took the thing out of Sana's hands in a very fast manner
". . . Nothing"she nervously laughed

"Why are you hiding it from me then?"Sana putted her arms over her chest, sulking

"No! These are just. . ."

"Come on, say it"

"Just promise me you won't get mad?"

"It depends"

"Ugh! Sana?"

"Yeah, I promise. But I want to see it first"Sana stole it from Tzuyu's hand

The taller didn't saw that coming and she had no choice as Sana finally opened the box.

"Letters and empty chocolate wraps? And what is this? A fake flowers. Oh! There's more--"Sana slowly look up, without even showing any kinds of emotion

Tzuyu gulped at that sight. Ready to explain everything to her.

"It was this secret admirer of mine. I told him or her to stop giving me gifts, but it won't stop. I swear, I did those by leaving some letter from where I got it. I'm sure they read all of those"

"You know them?"

"No. I just found out it wasn't really Dr. Hong and it was someone else. . . Are you mad at me?"Tzuyu carefully asked

"It's fine, really"

Little did Tzuyu know that Sana was really behind those things, she slightly smiled. She can't believe Tzuyu was still keeping those, it made her heart flutter.

"And that flowers in the living room? Did that came from them too?"Sana asked as she just wanted to make sure

"Yes. Jihyo unnie suggested me to keep those so I took care of it"

Sana didn't answer.

"Are you mad at me?"

"No. It's just- that's just so sweet of you. You do really treasure someone's gift"Sana smiled. She's so touch about that, she really do.
"What do you like the most?"she asked

"This"Tzuyu pointed at the mug

"I was the one who bought that though"

"Yeah and that's my favorite gift"

"And that's the cheapest one"

"But it's our couple mug"

"You're such a cutie, but why are you hiding these here? Why not in the kitchen instead?"

"Xiaoting is very clumsy, she always broke some plates and mugs when she's going here"

"You know- give me a kiss"


"Why? Can't I ask my girlfriend to kiss me?"

"Of course, you can"Tzuyu pecked her lips

"I have something to confess to you"

Tzuyu nervously gulped. Sana's tone was kinda scary, she was a bit scared.

"Are you breaking up with me that's why you asked me for a last kiss?"Tzuyu snapped out

Sana didn't answer instead she stares at both her eyes. She couldn't help, but to burst out in laughter.

"It's not what you think, Tzuyu ah. I just wanted you to know that, that secret admirer of yours was me"Sana cupped her face as Tzuyu look at her in shock

"Is it you, really?"

"Yes, I always asked Xiaoting's help for this"

"So all this time she knew it was you?"

"They all knew"

"You all are backstabbing me"Tzuyu pouted

"It just happens. Xiaoting was the first one to know. They stared to doubt me so I admitted that I am really behind those things"

"What took you so long to confess?"

"I'm not ready that time. I'm sorry, okay?"

"That's fine, really. That happened to me as well"

"I heard the door shut and close. Can we continue what we started earlier?"Sana grinned

"Not today"


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