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"I heard you had a date with Sana unnie"

"Is it new to us, Ting?"Dahyun chuckled

"You're just jealous because Momo unnie doesn't treat you like this"Tzuyu fought, which Dahyun's laugh replaced into a frown

"She do treats me—

"Ah yeah? Continue"Tzuyu teases more

"Argh!! You're so mean"Dahyun pouted

"I mean, Sana unnie is a heiress so she can definitely get what she wants"Xiaoting uttured

"But that well known heiress is just gonna go under Tzuyu"Jeongyeon came wearing her stethoscope just around her neck

"Seriously, unnie? What kind of behavior is that huh?"Dahyun shook her head

"But am I right, isn't it?"Jeongyeon gave Tzuyu an annoying smirk

"Oh shut up"Tzuyu turned her gaze away

"By the way, I still have a patient to take care of. I'll get going no—"just as she was about to finish her sentence, Jeongyeon spoke up

"You got your duty, yet you're here. What will Dr. Hong say about this huh?"Jeongyeon strictly crossed her arms

"Come on! The patient itself said she wanted to get some alone time so I left her for a while!"Dahyun defensively said

"Yah right. Whatever you say"

"I'll get going now for real!"Dahyun stomped her feet

"What's with the non stop teasing? Did you and Nayeon unnie fought?"Xiaoting asked, wanting to know

"It's obvious. There's no day that they don't fight"Tzuyu chuckled

"Couple goals"they both said

"Aish! Nurses these days"Jeongyeon walked out

"Speaking of- you got plans for today?"Xiaoting asked

"Actually. . . Sana promised me we'll go to a dog cafe"

"Your end shift was 8, is there an open dog cafe at that hour?"

"I don't know"

"Well, nevermind that. Sana unnie has many connections so yeah"

"I— I guess I'll see you soon. I got an urgent meeting with Mingyu. Good bye!"


"It's alright if we'll leave our plan here, Tzuyu ah. You're already tired"

"It's fine for me. I wanted to go in there though"Tzuyu pouted

"Yeah, but— rest for 20 minutes atleast. Let's cuddle here"Sana said before she snuggled on Tzuyu's shoulder

"Hah, I'm not tired anymore!"Tzuyu jokingly said


After 20 minutes of just feeling each other's warmth, Sana decided to finally brought Tzuyu to the said place. And the moment they arrived there, it was visible in Tzuyu's eyes that she's indeed happy.

"Do you want to buy that dog?"Sana asked as she saw the shiba inu dog, looking at her with loving eyes

"Ahmm"Tzuyu walked a little as the dog still follows her

"Aw the dog seems to love you already. I'm getting jealous here"Sana jokes around

"Don't be, you're my only shiba inu here"Tzuyu smiled innocently

"For your information, I'm not a dog"Sana pouted, making Tzuyu laugh

"But you look like one"Tzuyu bent down, holding the shiba inu with her hands
"Such a cutie"she mumbled

"I'll buy. . . Hmmm her for you"Sana said after confirming her gender

"Really?"Tzuyu excitedly said


Sana smiled at her girlfriend and stayed a little long after she bought the dog. Watching the people there as this one girl caught her attention and kisses her dog's lips.

"What a pity they kissed their dogs"Sana muttured

"Yeah?"Tzuyu didn't bother to look at her as she played with Sanny, her new name

"I am your shiba inu so kiss me too"Tzuyu chuckled as she gave her a peck

"My cutest shiba inu"

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