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"Buy me a bread"

"Let me guess, you didn't eat breakfast?"Chaeyoung raised a brow at her

"You had it right! I didn't bring money with me as well"Tzuyu pouted

"Bro, you're hella richer than us. Why didn't you ask your father for money? Or even to pay for your tuition fees, so that he can be a good father to you at least. Your fath--"Dahyun didn't finish her sentence when Chaeyoung kicked her foot under the table

"I'm too lazy to go downstairs so, here"Chaeyoung gave Tzuyu a money

"Thank you, Chaeng! You're the best!"Tzuyu happily went outside

"Ya!! What was that for?"Dahyun immediately asked

"Watch your words sometimes, unnie. You know Tzuyu is so sensitive when it comes to her father"

"Yeah yeah, I'm sorry!"

"And it was just a bread! She hasn't take her breakfast for goodness sake"Chaeyoung gave her a death glare



"Stop acting like that sometimes"

"And why?"

"You're too overprotective that she-- ah nevermind that. I'm waiting for my call, bye!"Dahyun left after that, leaving the doctor in full confusion

"So weird"


"Mr. Hong was calling you earlier, Tzu"Xiaoting said as they were buying some foods

"I haven't eaten yet"

"Oh yeah, that's what Chaeyoung said so you can just go there later after his meeting or you can just wait him at his office"

"Noted. Please take this to Chaeyoung's office, thank you!"

"As if I have a choice"Xiaoting chuckled

A few moments, Tzuyu immediately went to the said office.

She was just waiting there when she received a phone call coming from this naughty patient.

She just gave her number to Sana yesterday as Jeongyeon can't stop on bothering her. She even ignored her for a week just because of that, but she just ended up giving it, it's just a number so.

The Taiwanese girl waited for 10 seconds before she accepted the phone call.

Tzuyu ah, ugh fuck! I. . . I w-wanted you s-so bad. S-shit! This is so g-good. . . D-did y-you know that, I'm a-always imagining you— Ah! It's so f-fucking good. . . Ugh shit~

Tzuyu frowned the moment she heard her voice. She sounds like she's in pain.

Are you alright?

I. . . I am alright.

Oh okay. Why'd you call me, by the way?

I-I ahm— I just wanted to hear your voice.

Tzuyu find it weird so she didn't respond at that and just putted her phone over the table, turning her loud speaker on.

Sana wasn't even saying anything and about to end the phone call when she heard her name being called by her.

Ah Tzuyu~

Tzuyu immediately took her phone.

Hey what happened? Tell me, are you hurt?

Argh. . . Shit, Tzu-Tzuyu. I-I wanted you here.

Is everything alright? Did someone hurted you?

And after that, she heard Sana screamed her name. She panicked and about to go when,

That's so fucking good.

Sana sounds out of breath as she said those words.

Tell me your adress, I'll go there.

Hmm. . . Are you going to stir my mac and cheese?


I'm stirring my mac and cheese

So all this time you're just stirring a mac and cheese?

So that's why it sounds like it.

But wait. . . why is she screaming and-- whatever she's just so weird.

Yes, Tzuyu.

You're weird.

I'm not weird. You're just too innocent, baby.

Nevermind that, I'll end the call now.

Wait I—

Tzuyu didn't even let her finish. She regretted giving her number to her and now she's calling her, saying random stuffs.

She just stayed there, too lazy to do some other things.

Another day, another weird human being.

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