Chapter 5

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    He couldn't do it himself, and it was quite a shame to do it. Although he was alone in the bathroom and locked the door, he heard the sound of cooking outside the door. The voice of the father who came back from get off work, he really couldn't concentrate on this matter.

    Xie Yi can only turn on the faucet and change it to a simple bath, so let's go with the flow.

    He patted the white tiles on the bathroom wall hard, "Why do I write the male lead so long!"

    If he had a chance to start over, he would only write five or six centimeters for the male lead, so that he would neither It hurts and doesn't leave so much in the stomach.

    After Xie Yi took a bath, the soreness on his body subsided a lot, and there was only a slight discomfort.

    The stomach also hurts sometimes but not. He thought that maybe he would sleep well tomorrow, can that thing be absorbed? You can't stay in there forever.

    He wiped his hair and came out of the bathroom, bumped into his sister who was approaching, and her sister glanced inside the bathroom with disgust.

    "You made the ground so wet, how can I go in and wash my hands? Hurry up and dry me." My sister pointed to the ground inside, and when he didn't move, she would twist his ears.

    Xie Yi avoided her hand, "I wiped it, but I can't do it now. Don't you have a bathroom in your room, why do you use this? Are you making trouble for me on purpose?"

    "How dare you talk back?" Sister reached out to hit him However, Xie Yi asked her one step ahead of her, "Do you still want a package?" When

    my sister heard this, she immediately changed her hand to begging for money, "My good brother, call me directly. Alipay will be fine."

    "I want it, but I won't give it." Xie Yi walked past her, stepped into his room and locked the door.

    His room was the same as what he wrote, it was very small, only a one-meter-two single bed and a small desk could be put down, and even the window was only the size of his head.

    In order to highlight the misery of the heroine, he deliberately wrote her like Cinderella.

    It's just that her mother is her own mother and her sister is also her own sister.

    Parents love my sister even more, and gave all the good resources in the family to my sister. The heroine is just a tool person who is despised by the family. After making money, she has to hand over her salary to her parents, and then her parents give her to her for her to buy. Various designer clothes.

    The reason why my sister is still in school is because she repeated her studies for three years in order to be admitted to the university.

    The heroine is talented and smart, and she was admitted to the top universities in the country through her own efforts under harsh conditions, but her parents still love her sister.

    Later, in order to make the plot controversial, he wrote the heroine as a virgin. Even if he was bullied so much by his family and finally became a wealthy young grandma, he still used the hero's money to subsidize his parents' family.

    Xie Yi paralyzed on the bed and patted his forehead, "I'm really self-inflicted, I knew I should have written the heroine as a lovely heartthrob, and with inhuman luck, I can win the lottery by buying lottery tickets, and then Start a company and become a big man in the industry, and then raise a bunch of little fresh meat, and reach the peak of life..."

    Xie Yi thought of the little fresh meat, sucked a little saliva, and then he suddenly sat up from the bed, "I, completely bent. Is it?"

    He just sat up too violently and his waist flashed, and even a certain position hurt to death, and he slumped back on the bed.

    Not only did his body hurt, but his head was also a little hot. He listened to the voice of his sister crying and complaining to his parents outside the door. His ears were buzzing and irritable.

    He had another very exciting dream. In the dream, it was still the hotel. He was standing in front of the window, and Li Yuze was standing behind him. Neither of them had any clothes on.

    Then he saw Li Yuze in the glass pinching his leg with his slender fingers, and he himself raised his leg very actively and stepped on the window sill in front of him.

    The next morning, Xie Yi woke up, touched the sheets, and was very speechless.

    "There are thousands of handsome guys in the world, why do you have to dream of being with him? It's not like you don't know how bad his character is." Xie Yi rubbed his face fiercely, "Why did I write such a nasty ghost! "

    He scolded and got out of bed and changed the sheets. He looked up and saw that it was 8:30. He was used to freelance work, and then he felt the danger of being late for work, and hurriedly ran out to the company.

    If you take the bus, you will definitely be late. It costs 20 yuan to take a taxi. If you are late, you will be deducted 200 full-time attendance. He decisively chose to take a taxi.

    As a result, because of the heroine's unfortunate physique, the car he built broke down several hundred meters away from the company, and he could only drag his exhausted body to the company.

    During the run, he saw a very familiar car passing by him. After a stunned moment, he fell and sat on the ground. His butt felt like he was about to be smashed.

    Xie Yi scolded lowly, patted the soil on his trousers and got up from the ground, but felt a car backing up from the front and parked in front of him.

    The door was opened, and the first thing he saw was a pair of black leather shoes. Why did these shoes look so familiar? Xie Yi raised his head suddenly, and sure enough, he met Li Yuze's cold eyes.

    "Why are you still haunted?" Li Yuze's voice was a little impatient.

    Xie Yi definitely couldn't say that he was going to work. He patted the soil on his trousers anxiously. He couldn't think of an excuse after thinking about it. He turned around and wanted to run away. As a result, his collar was grabbed by Li Yuze's big hand.

    "Who sent you here? What is your purpose? If you don't make it clear, don't even think about leaving today." Li Yuze's tone carried an order, which made Xie Yi's legs tremble subconsciously.

    He clasped his hands and touched his pockets randomly, and even asked him to find out two hundred and fifty dollars. He threw the money into Li Yuze's hands, "I just want to ask Are you still accepting the job? I want to do it again."

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