Chapter 52

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    Xie Yi went to the company the next day to get the things back and never went to the company again. He didn't know what Li Yuze was busy with. Once he told Li Yuze that since he wanted to open a new company, he had to choose a position. Well, Li Yuze told him not to think about it for now, and let him go directly after Li Yuze has done everything.

    Xie Yi didn't care about these things, but did a lot of other things during this time. He went to the driving school every morning to learn how to drive, and in the afternoon, he discussed the new models of their brand with Lao Ge and Yuanyuan.

    After all, it is a new brand. If the first style is dirty, it will leave a dirty impression in the hearts of consumers. Anyone who mentions this brand will be disgusted. No matter how good it is in the future, no one will buy it.

    So this time the new three of them have spent a lot of effort.

    But the company hasn't opened yet. The three of them don't have an office, so they can only work in their respective homes via video link.

    Once, when Lao Ge was working at home, his mother saw him and scolded him for a long time.

    Because Lao Ge's resignation has not been told to his family, his parents thought that their son had also gone to work every day when he went out to work. Occasionally, Lao Ge's mother came back to pick up something only to find out that he had been staying at home.

    The family thought he was fired from the company and gave up on himself, and wanted to take him out to find a job for him. No matter how Lao Ge told the family that his parents didn't believe it, Xie Yi simply asked him to move to his house first.

    Yuanyuan also moved here for the convenience of work. Anyway, the rooms at home are enough, so they just stayed until the new company was established and left.

    Li Yuze had no problem with living two outsiders at home. He also told Xie Yi that he would be given a month to get his new position.

    The environment of Xie Yi's house is better than that of the company. They usually work in Xie Yi's study, and when the weather is good, they will go to the garden to sit in the garden full of roses and create.

    Without anyone to control them, the work efficiency of the three of them did not decrease. Instead, inspiration continued to flow out, and the drawn design drafts were stronger than the first.

    Xie Yi took Yuanyuan's design draft and looked at it, "You have made a lot of progress, continue to be my assistant Qu Cai, and when the company is established, you can directly be a designer, I have to hire another assistant, I am afraid that I will find one. The new assistant is not as caring as you."

    "Then I'll continue to be your assistant." Yuanyuan didn't care, hehe said with a smile: "Just give me the salary and mention the same as the designer."

    Xie Yi smiled Said her, "You're a petty money fan like me."

    Yuanyuan grinned again, "President Li said before that we are engaged in art, I think since we are engaged in art, we should not be like other jobs. Trapped in a cubicle to create, our thoughts are shackled, and our new company should also make the environment a little better, okay?"

    "Okay, I'll talk to President Li, this time our company should be opened. It's not big, and I don't know if it will work in the future, so you two just resigned and came to me, isn't it a bit too risky?" Xie Yi began to worry again.

    He had never opened a company before. He originally wanted to start from a small studio. At the beginning, only two or three people would be enough. Now that Li Yuze has joined in, it is definitely not just a small studio.

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