Chapter 22

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    Xie Yi, who was thought to be unable to survive this winter, not only lost the morning sickness, but also became more and more energetic, and even increased his appetite. Just get sleepy occasionally.

    When he went to work, the supervisor really was gone, and he was replaced by a new supervisor. The task of the new supervisor was to assign tasks to them and not participate in the design. This time Xie Yi obviously felt a lot more free.

    Although the supervisor arranged for him the co-branded item that the supervisor had arranged for him before, but there was no gimmick designed by Aidou himself, it was just a joint name.

    Although Xie Yi also knows that no one will pay attention to who the designer is, and only care about who endorses him, but he always has a wish. In the future, he will design endorsements that are sought after and loved, and then those fans will endorse him for their idols. Design shoes and compete for the head.

    When Lao Ge saw that he was drawing a new design draft, he leaned over to look at it, "You are getting better and better. No wonder you always

    came first in the test at that time." Looking at him sideways, "Just tell me if you have anything to do."

    "Isn't this not yet paid, money is a little tight." Lao Ge said embarrassedly, "I will pay you back immediately when the salary is paid."

    "How much do you want? ?" Xie Yi directly transferred the money to him.

    "Why are you so generous all of a sudden? You used to be stingy." Lao Ge was afraid that he would be unhappy, so he changed his words quickly, "It's not stingy, it's thrifty. I'll go back first."

    "Wait before leaving." Xie Yi thought of the text When the heroine was pregnant and running with the ball, Lao Ge helped her a lot. After the heroine went abroad, Lao Ge helped her contact relatives abroad to help her take care of her. Later, the heroine also helped Lao Ge when she was a purchasing agent. When the master is too busy, he will help him as customer service, and he will accompany him when he gives birth. Although he does not go abroad now, he can't go alone when giving birth to a child. It is better to have someone to help and accompany him than alone. Otherwise, tell Lao Ge, "We haven't gone out to dinner together for a long time. Let's go out for dinner today. I'll invite you.

    " Old Ge said.

    "Drinking..." Xie Yi is in a dilemma, can't drink when pregnant, "Just eat, it's inconvenient recently."

    "What's the inconvenience, you won't be really pregnant, look at your belly... ..." Before Lao Ge finished speaking, he felt that the atmosphere behind him was not quite right. When has the office been so quiet? It's as strange as the classmates who were talking in the class suddenly quieted down during school.

    Sure enough, as soon as he turned his head, he saw Li Yuze standing behind them. He didn't know how long he had been standing here, and whether he heard him run over to chat with Xie Yi at work.

    "Why are you here?" Xie Yi often talked to Li Yuze at home during this time, always forgetting that Li Yuze was their boss, and didn't pay attention to his tone when he spoke.

    "Come out, I have something to tell you." Li Yuze glanced at Xie Yi's belly uncontrollably when he was talking. He just heard from Lao Ge that Xie Yi was pregnant. This belly was getting bigger and bigger every day. pregnant.

    But the two of them had only known each other for two months. How could their belly be so big in two months, and it is impossible for them to be pregnant with twins.

    "What's the matter with me?" Xie Yi didn't want him to look at his stomach, so he quickly covered his belly with his hands, followed him out, and whispered as he walked, "Can't you just send me a message? Come and find me. , Everyone looked at us curiously, they have to ask me when we go back, they can gossip."

    "Come with me, I'll take you to a place." Li Yuze got into the elevator and pressed -1 floor . "

    "Go out by car?" I didn't go to work until this afternoon, can't I wait until Saturday and Sunday to go out? Xie Yi thought he was going to surprise himself and give him a house like last time, but Li Yuze wouldn't call him out at work to take him away when he gave him gifts. He didn't think it was quite right, "You Where are you taking me? "

    You'll know when you get there." "Li Yuze walked to the car and opened the door for him, "Let's go." "

    Don't go," Xie Yi took a step back, "I won't go if you don't tell me where to go. "

    "You'll know when you go, it's not selling you, why are you so excited?" Li Yuze reached out to pull him, but was avoided by Xie Yi.

    "If you don't tell me, I won't go with you." Seeing him like this, Xie Yi didn't seem to want to surprise himself. Li Yuze sent him the location first when he sent him the house. Certainly not good.

    In his heart, Li Yuze could still control him at any time and let him take away his child after giving birth.

    "Okay, I'll tell you." Li Yuze was afraid that he would run away, "Go to the hospital, I'll find a specialist for you.

    " The expert number that was registered before is the same."

    "I am different." Li Yuze wanted to pull him, but Xie Yi avoided him.

    "It's all the same, I won't go with you. I've seen it myself, why do you want to take me there." Xie Yi didn't trust him at all, "I'm going back to work, don't look for me if you're okay."

    He After saying that, he turned around and ran.

    Seeing how he resisted so much, Li Yuze suspected that his disease had reached the point where no one could cure him, and he could only wait to die.

    But Li Yuze still wanted to give it a try, he sighed, he should have tied Xie Yi and took it with him just now, and he wouldn't even know what disease Xie Yi had.

    "What's wrong?" Li Yuze thought of a way. Xie Yi had been to the hospital before, and he would definitely keep a medical record book. He went home and looked for it, and he should be able to find it.

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