Chapter 40

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    Xie Yi was not used to wearing a watch before, but now he feels that there is something on his wrist that he is not used to. He raised his hand and looked at it, "It looks good, but it is of no use to me, you want me to pay attention to the time, Why do n't you buy me a ten-dollar alarm clock. When the alarm clock goes off, I know I have to stop and rest."

    "Buying you a watch is a pain in the ass? I gave you a house and gave you a bonus before. Why don't you feel sorry for my money?" Li Yuze teased him.

    "Who cares about your money, I care that you spend money on unnecessary things. Instead of buying me such an expensive watch, it is better to give me money directly." Xie Yi looked at the watch on his wrist again and said So many dislikes, in fact, still like it.

    Li Yuze saw his expression in his eyes. When he gave him clothes before, he had never been so happy. Next time, he knew what to give to make him happy.

    Before serving, Li Yuze received a call from the company. He was afraid that Xie Yi would be upset by listening to him talking about work, so he went out to make a call.

    Li Yuze had only left for a minute when Xie Yi saw that the curtain of their box had been lifted.

    The decoration style of this restaurant is somewhat antique. The box has no door but an embroidered curtain, which looks very elegant.

    He watched the curtain move, thinking that Li Yuze was back, but when he looked up, he saw Park Yue.

    The two looked at each other, Xie Yi did not ask, but continued to drink water.

    "I didn't expect my brother to eat here too." Park Yue lifted the curtain and came in, "I came over to eat with my colleagues, and when I saw you, I came in and took a look. I didn't expect it was you."

    "Colleague? You found a job. The house was sold and moved to this neighborhood? This restaurant seems to only serve the residents of this community, right?" Xie Yi was a little surprised, but he didn't expect Park Yue to be so thick-skinned, "The house here doesn't have a swimming pool, are you used to it? "

    "It was my fault in the past, I apologize to you," Park Yue hesitated, and then said after a long time, "I really don't want to hide from you, if I don't tell you one thing, I will feel very uncomfortable... Actually..."

    Xie Yi knew what he was going to say just by looking at him, and then he asked: "You mean, Li Yuze likes you, because I look like you, so he is with me, right?"

    Park Yue He pretended to be surprised and covered his open mouth, "You know?"

    Xie Yi touched his face, "I would like to thank my brother, if it wasn't for me having a face similar to yours, how could Li Yuze leave Don't let me go."

    Bai Yue frowned slightly, but did not expect Xie Yi to be so lowly, knowing that he was still staying by Li Yuze's side, "Since you know, you are still willing to be a substitute."

    "Yes, what's wrong with that? Li Yuze likes you, so he gave me all his love, thank you so much brother." Xie Yi imitated his tea-like tone and said, "Now my stand-in is enjoying everything that your deity should have, don't you think? Shouldn't I be happy?"

    Park Yue was angry and shocked, but there was someone like Xie Yi, "Why are you beating yourself up like this?"

    Xie Yi looked at him pretending to be ignorant, "Are you cheap?"

    Saying Xie Yi He stretched out his wrist and showed him the watch that Li Yuze gave him just now, "My husband bought it, do you have it?"

    Park Yue's lips trembled at his words, "A fake will always be a fake."

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