Chapter 84 Zhou Unknown 12

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    Early the next morning, my younger brother came over to see the results of last night, and was furious when he saw that Zhou Weiwei and Shen Chu were getting up in their respective rooms.

    He pulled Zhou Unknown and asked him in a low voice, "What did you all do yesterday?"

    "After you left, I went to the idol's room." Zhou Unknown said.

    "And then?" My brother was excited when he heard that he followed Shen Chu into the room.

    "Then we played the game for half a night." Zhou Weiwei thought that he was still a little excited about the game last night, "Your brother is so good, he won six games in a row." The

    younger brother looked at him with hatred. "Yesterday was such a good opportunity, why didn't you take advantage of it?"

    "What opportunity?" Zhou Wei was stunned for a moment and remembered, "Oh, did you want to match the two of us yesterday? It's useless, it's impossible for the two of us. "

    How is it impossible," the younger brother secretly took him to the living room and whispered to him, "What if my brother likes you."

    "Your brother likes me? It's impossible." Zhou Weiwei waved his hand quickly.

    "Why can't I like you?" The younger brother looked at him from top to bottom, "Look at you, you need to have a good appearance, a figure and a figure, or my brother to go together, have a common topic, and my brother has been for so many years He has never asked anyone to come to his house for the Chinese New Year. You are the first person. He heard that you were broken up and immediately asked me to call you over. He always wanted to help you with other things. What is it?"

    "Impossible." Zhou Wei's heart was completely confused, he never thought about it, he regarded Shen Shu as a male god, how could a god like mortals.

    "You took away your idol filter and looked at him as an ordinary man. As long as he is a man, there is nothing lewd. I think my brother is just looking at your good-looking, and I am fascinated by you. The younger brother analyzed it for him. "Otherwise, you are a newcomer who has just entered the industry, why would you play his role?"

    Zhou Weiwei was going to be brainwashed by him. "But, your brother, he can't be lecherous."

    "Are you horny?" his brother asked him.

    "Me?" Zhou unknown did not know.

    "You secretly photographed my brother before and said to go back and lick the screen. What were you thinking when you licked the screen?" the brother asked him.

    "I didn't really lick, I just exaggerated." Zhou Weiwei didn't expect him to misunderstand, "You haven't chased after a star, although we shout licking on the Internet every day, but no one is real I licked it."

    "How do you know that no one has really licked it?" The younger brother waved his hand, "No, I was almost dizzy by you, we are not talking about licking the screen or not, let's have a serious chat. , can you think about my brother? The kind of thinking about falling in love."

    "..." Zhou Weiwei looked awkward, "I never thought about it."

    "You think about it now." The younger brother encouraged him.

    "If I really think about it, it's a smear of my belief." Zhou Weizhi couldn't think about it, "Forget it, even if I think about it, your brother won't like me, if I will treat my idol with love Worship has turned into expectations for a lover, but in the end I can't get your brother's love, I will definitely feel more uncomfortable." The

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