Chapter 55

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    The next day Xie Yi drove the most expensive car in Li Yuze's garage.

    And Li Yuze also got into his co-pilot and went to the company with him.

    Xie Yi also parked the car at the entrance of the company in a very high-profile manner, and got out of the car with Li Yuze in everyone's envious eyes.

    However, Xie Yi felt that most of those people's eyes were still on Li Yuze, and sometimes they were puzzled when they gave it to him. Everyone must be thinking about how Xie Yi could make Li Yuze like him so much, this man is too talented !

    Although Xie Yi is also very beautiful, when he came out alone, he overwhelmed the appearance of most people. When standing next to Li Yuze, the appearance of the two of them matched well, but in terms of hardware conditions, they were still worse, such as height, such as Financial resources, education, and external factors in various aspects.

    These factors have become Li Yuze's plus points and Xie Yi's minus points, so no matter how they match up in terms of external conditions, everyone will feel that Xie Yi is as short as Li Yuze.   

At first, Xie Yi was a little worried that Li Yuze would be hooked up by others. Later, he found that Li Yuze ignored everyone and always treated him very well. The sense of crisis in his heart has also become a little pride. No matter how much you envy it, it is useless. This man is mine.

    After more than half a month of busy work, I finally recruited four more designers and an assistant. 

   If you haven't experienced the hardships of being an interviewer before, Xie Yi will definitely think that these are not enough! He had to recruit a dozen or so employees to barely maintain the necessary staff for the opening, but after all the pain, he was very satisfied with the result.  

  Counting one designer and one assistant recruited on the first day, the new employee has five designers and two assistants, plus himself, Lao Ge and Yuanyuan, there are eight designers, which is completely enough. It's just that the assistant will be a little tired, two people assisting eight people...

    After doing this, he was ready to go to work. Only then did he know that Li Yuze had also organized an opening ceremony. He had packed a hotel and invited a lot of business celebrities, celebrities, media and other people to come and participate. The situation made the whole world know about it.

    "In such a hurry, have you posted an invitation?" Xie Yi has focused all his energy on the candidates these days, not paying attention to what Li Yuze has done.

    "The day after you set the date, I will ask someone to make an invitation list." Li Yuze said that the company belongs to Xie Yi, but Xie Yi only needs to do things related to design, and the rest You don't have to worry about trivial things, he has done it.

    "You are too capable. I will also participate that day. I am no longer an ordinary employee. Should I dress more formally?" Xie Yi began to worry again. He usually likes to wear casual clothes. In the interview, he pretended to be more formal at first, but later he felt that he was too restrictive, and what they did was originally a sports brand, and they wore a sports style that was in line with the company's settings. Later, he couldn't pursue any formality. clothes.

    But this time was different. At the opening ceremony, many eyes were staring at him and Li Yuze.

    I don't know who released the rumors before, saying that Li Yuze will die after he leaves home. The media and some public accounts have wiped out the credit of Li Yuze in the past, and attributed it to Li Yuze's father. They also slandered Li Yuze as a father and a boy. The capable second-generation rich, for a man to leave home, sooner or later will lose everything.

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