Chapter 74 Zhou Unknown 02

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    Zhou Unknown sincerely sent a private message on Weibo, explaining that their company's vice president took care of stars, and also used the company's resources to support his little lover, hoping that he could handle this matter.

    As a result, the private message was sent for several hours, and the other party did not reply, and it is estimated that they had not even read it.

    The agent was in a hurry, so he threw the phone to Zhou Unknown, "I just told you to apologize quickly, look at how much trouble you have caused!"

    Zhou Unknown took over the phone and found the content of Lin Bu's Weibo post. He said that he had a backstage and was embarrassing others in the crew. Lin Bu pushed a lot of things he did to Zhou Weiwei, and also said that Zhou Weiwei also deliberately let the camera make him look ugly.

    In addition to the text, a live video was also posted. The video is the one where Zhou Weiwu said that he would not look good in vain. It was very short and everything that was unfavorable to Lin Bu was removed.

    Linbu's fans are crazy, scolding Zhou Weiwei on the hot search, and boycotting him together, saying that his game results are shady, and boycotting the products he endorsed together, letting those brands terminate his contracts with him.

    Zhou Weiwei had just read it, and several of the products he endorsed called the broker, saying that he had a negative impact on the brand and asked him to pay liquidated damages.

    The agent scolded Zhou Zhiwei while saying good things to the other party, "Look at the good things you have done, this is good, you have to pay millions of liquidated damages, and the money you earn is not enough to compensate!"

    Zhou I don't know how long it has been since my debut, but I made a lot of money, but the company's commission is higher, eight to two, the company is 80% and 20%, and there is not much left after the commission is over.

    He really didn't expect that if he didn't say a word to Lin Bu, how did things develop to this point.

    He still wants to film with Shen Chu, is it impossible in this life?

    He took out his mobile phone and wanted to see if Hao You had read his private messages. He put all his hopes on this person.

    Sure enough, the other party didn't reply to his private message, but he posted a Weibo, just an ordinary day-to-day life. Seeing that the background was a bar, Zhou Wei had seen a blogger there last time, so he remembered it.

    Zhou Unknown put away his phone, "I'll go to him and talk to him face to face."

    "Who are you looking for? Go apologize?" The agent thought he had finally figured it out. Although it was a little late, he could make up for it somewhat.

    Who knew that Zhou Weiwei did not go to Lin Bu, but put on his coat and went downstairs.


    Hao You was drinking with a few buddies in a bar when a very handsome boy suddenly appeared in front of him.

    At first, they thought that the boy was here to chat with Hao You, and they all cheered and watched the excitement. Who knew that the boy would ask Hao You as soon as he opened his mouth: "Why didn't you reply to my news?"

    Hao You: "?"

    Dude They cheered: "Yo, who is this~"

    "Yanfu is not shallow, this child in your family is quite beautiful."

    "Hurry up and introduce us."

    Hao You asked them to stop the booing, and asked Zhou Zhizhi, "Who are you, child? Ah? Did you admit to the wrong person when you were drunk, or is this the way you post-00s chat up?"

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