Chapter 77 Zhou Unknown 05

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    "No, I'm just upset, I just entered a store, and I didn't expect an unexpected joy." Zhou Wei was afraid that he would upset Shen Shen, so he quickly stood up, "If I disturb you, I'll leave now."

    "Children should study hard, don't chase stars." Shen Shu persuaded him to collect the bowl on his table, "Where is your home, it's midnight, let your parents pick you up."

    "I'm not a child anymore, I It's already twenty." Zhou Wei was embarrassed to ask him to help him clean up the dishes, so he hurried to grab it, "I'll do it myself."

    Shen Shu avoided him, "Children like to pretend to be adults."

    "I'm really not a child . "Child," Zhou Weiwu hurriedly explained, not noticing that he followed the other party into the back kitchen, "I'm also an actor..."

    "What have you played?" Shen Shen asked casually.

    "It's..." Zhou Weiwei hesitated for a long time, "It's not over yet. My name is Zhou Weiwei, although I know you definitely don't know me now, but I believe that one day you will know me.

    " "Shen Chu looked up at him, and continued to lower his head to brush the bowl in his hand, "I've heard of it."

    "Have you heard of me?" Zhou Weiwei almost bit his tongue in excitement, "Dad, do you also watch talent shows? "

    Don't call me dad, I don't watch the draft." Shen Shu pointed to the sign hanging on the door, "Idle people are not allowed to enter."

    "Oh." Zhou Weiwei hangs like a lost puppy. He ran out with his tail, lying on the window of the food delivery, and continued to say to him: "Dad... No, how did you hear my name as an idol?"

    "You received the reality show, and the recording will start in two days. You suddenly gave up, the director is in a hurry to find a new person, and crying with me every day." Shen Shen looked up at him, "The director is my brother."

    "So that's the case, no wonder you who have never been on variety shows suddenly picked up a reality show." Zhou Weiwei finished speaking excitedly, realizing the point of Shen Shen's words, and quickly bowed his head to apologize, "I'm sorry, I'm not Intentionally, someone made a mistake."

    "The agent" Shen Shen asked.

    "No..." Zhou Unknown sighed, "My boyfriend, I told him that I had too much work, I was so tired, and didn't want to be on variety shows, but I said I wanted to be on reality shows, and he said he came to help me put the variety show on. I pushed it, but he made a mistake for me."

    Zhou Weiwu has regarded Shen Shen as an idol since he was a child, and will buy all kinds of Shen Shen's peripherals. It's real, I couldn't help but say it all.

    After he finished speaking, he saw Shen Shu frowning and brushing the dishes, thinking that he was annoying the other party, he scratched his head, and said embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, am I talking too much? Usually I'm not like this..."

    He This is true for others, and I never want to say more, but when I see Shen Shen, I can't help it.

    "Your boyfriend doesn't really care about you." Shen Chu said.

    "Ah? Why doesn't he care about me anymore?" Zhou Weizhi put his hands on the window and looked inside, "He treats me so well, he even washes my clothes and cooks for me."

    "..." Shen Xuan felt I was still chatting with high school students, "He cares about you, so how could he make a mistake in what you told me?"

    Zhou unknown: "...He may be unintentional, and I'm not in the circle."

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