Chapter 47

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    "When you have a wife, you start not to care about your mother?" His mother was very angry with him, "Okay, I can't tell you, let your dad tell you. Lao Li, come and talk about your son, he want to marry that man, it shouldn't be laughed at when it spreads out?"

    "What happened to the man? Now that same-sex marriage is legal, and men can get pregnant, Mom, you don't need to separate us with the idea of ​​inheriting the lineage." Li Yuze knew what his mother was going to say, so he blocked the other party's road ahead of time.

    "I'm your father, son, what your mother just said was right. You can't marry a man. It has nothing to do with the child, whether he has money or not. The point is that he is a man." It's the same, my mother wants the other person's family to have money to match their family, but my father only cares about the other person's gender.

    "Son, you are still too young and you don't understand many things. Do you think there are three men pregnant in our country? That's just three on the surface. Who knows how many there are behind the scenes, but there are so many pregnancies. Why didn’t anyone come forward to speak out? It’s embarrassing.” Dad hated the iron and taught him a lesson, “You are with a man, and you are a man who can get pregnant, so you can hide it, who knows that you are being punished by you now. It caused a lot of uproar, we Li family's face has been smashed by you, and now we have to break up with him."

    "No, when the child is born, bring the child back and give him a sum of money to break away from the relationship." The mother retorted by the side. His father's words.

    The two quarreled because of disagreement.

    Although the two of them have different opinions, the general direction is the same, that is, Li Yuze cannot be asked to marry Xie Yi.

    Li Yuze had a headache listening to his parents arguing on the other end of the phone, "No matter what, I won't part with him, and about marriage, it's not up to us, it depends on when he is willing to end it."

    "He still doesn't want to . ?" Mom was even more annoyed when she heard this, "He doesn't even look at his identity."

    "It's just right if he doesn't agree, so you break up with him." Dad grabbed the phone and said, "If you don't break up with him, break with your family. Don't worry about your family's company."

    "Okay, then Leave it to my brother, I just take a break." Li Yuze doesn't care about this at all, after all, the whole family relies on him, if he really quits, the whole family will collapse.

    Li Yuze's father also knew this, "Your younger brother can't support the wall, and we will be finished if you leave it to him."

    "Then leave it to my father." Li Yuze stood at the door of the room on the phone, he was afraid of being released. Hearing that, he glanced inside and found that Xie Yi was also on the phone, so he said with confidence, "I don't have to worry about money right now. Even if I don't work with you, it's enough to just go out and open a company."

     As soon as the words came out, Li Yuze's father was anxious. After all, his father was only a little better than the mud that could not support the wall. When Li Yuze's grandfather handed over the company to his father, it was not as good as a year. After so many years, otherwise it will go bankrupt like the Park Hyatt family.

    In recent years, many branches were going to close down, but fortunately they were all rescued by Li Yuze.

    On the surface, it seems that Li Yuze's father is in charge of the overall situation, but Li Yuze controls all the affairs of the company. If Li Yuze really leaves, the company will not only collapse, but if Li Yuze starts another company, it will become a competitor. .

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