Chapter 30

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    Li Yuze frowned and looked at him, Xie Baihuan looked childish and still like a student, although Xie Yi also looked like a student who didn't graduate, but he didn't always look silly when he spoke like this.

    Li Yuze felt that it was a waste of time to talk nonsense to him. "Our company has no rules for family members to go through the back door. You can leave and don't appear in my company in the future."

    After Li Yuze left this sentence, he stopped . Ignore him again and go straight to Xie Yi's department.

    Xie Yi also happened to be walking out to the conference room, and there were several department directors who came out with him. Whether the shoes can be made depends not only on the design, but also on the shape, function, comfort, and materials. face, so they have to meet together to discuss.

    A few people happened to meet Li Yuze when they came out, and they were all stunned. What is the president doing in their department when he has nothing to do? One of the supervisors was about to say hello, but Li Yuze raised his hand to stop him. Li Yuze looked at Xie Yi, "Come here, I have something to ask you."

    "I just happen to have something to tell you." Xie Yi walked over to him quickly, and when no one could hear them, he quickly said: "I'm going to a meeting soon, so I'll keep it short, I don't want to be transferred, you Don't care what others say, I will stay in the design department."

    Li Yuze told him one thing, and was about to ask him the reason, Xie Yi hurriedly pushed the door into the conference room, and told him : "I don't have time now. If you want to say anything, just wait until lunch time."

    Xie Yi stepped into the conference room, and Li Yuze followed.     Everyone in the meeting looked at Li Yuze, who

    was sitting next to Xie Yi, and were a little confused, "Mr. Li, what instructions do you have?"


Not to mention sitting there is scary enough, especially the supervisor is most afraid. He heard that the last supervisor was fired when he asked Xie Yi to make a joint money and did something that made Li Yuze dissatisfied. Could it be his turn this time? already?

    Everyone in this meeting was frightened. Li Yuze was sitting there. Everyone dared not speak too casually. He tried to say every word in professional terms, hoping to make the president dizzy and not pick on them. .

    When it was Xie Yi's turn to speak, Li Yuze took the manuscript of Xie Yi's painting and looked at it carefully. Compared with the previous manuscript, Li Yuze made some progress and could see his own style.

    While reading the manuscript, he listened to Xie Yi's design concept, and he felt that his ideas were not bad.

    Thinking of Xie Yi's usual appearance, he couldn't imagine how serious he was at work, Li Yuze couldn't help but chuckle, everyone immediately looked at him nervously, even Xie Yi looked down at him.

    "Is there anything wrong?" Xie Yi asked him.

    "No, it's good." Li Yuze raised his face again and returned the design draft to him, "If you have any other opinions, please tell me."

    Xie Yi: "..."

    After Xie Yi finished speaking, he had to listen to people from other departments. but Li Yuze didn't dare to speak to them, so he secretly kicked Li Yuze under the table and wrote on the paper, "Can you go out? Don't disturb us."

    This was the first time Li Yuze was used by his own employees. Speaking in such a tone, it seems that he spoiled him.

    Xie Yi saw that Li Yuze not only did not leave, but also grabbed his hand under the table. Xie Yi was afraid that others would see it, so he struggled nervously, but did not break free.

    Li Yuze's hands are very large and powerful. He had only grabbed his hand like this on the bed before. At that time, Li Yuze grabbed his hand behind his back, and he could only lie on the bed at the mercy of the other party and couldn't do anything. But it was very exciting, and now every cell in his body trembled as long as he remembered that scene.

    Later, he didn't hear what others said. It was Li Yuze who wrote down the request for him to replace the materials with cheaper materials because the cost was too high.

    After the meeting was over, everyone left, but Li Yuze asked Xie Yi to stay. He had something to ask.

    Although the others couldn't guess what the relationship between the two of them was, they all left wisely and closed the door.

    Li Yuze grabbed Xie Yi's hand and didn't let it go. Although Li Yuze just didn't want him to run away, he pulled him, but Xie Yi couldn't take it anymore.

    The two of them can't do anything like that these days, but they can always hug and sleep, but Li Yuze hasn't come back to sleep with him in the past two days, which makes Xie Yi miss the feeling of a skin-to-skin kiss.

    He felt that he was an LSP, and the greedy male protagonist was greedy to death.

    Seeing that he was distracted, Li Yuze pinched on his palm, "Just now, please explain to me."

    "What's the matter?" Xie Yi looked at him, with such a handsome face, it would be a waste not to kiss him.

    Without waiting for Li Yuze to say the next sentence, he held his face with one hand and leaned in to kiss him.

    Although their meeting room is a frosted glass door, you can't see what's going on inside, but you can see people when you get close. Li Yuze didn't expect him to be so bold, and asked him with a frown, "You are using this method to transfer Topic?"

    "No, you haven't been home for two days, are you mad at me?" Xie Yi stood up and leaned closer, pulled out the hand that was held by Li Yuze, and held the other's Face, "You said before, we are not in the same relationship as before, and we don't have to abide by the rule that you can only ask me to go there, and I can't take the initiative, right?"

    He leaned over and approached slowly, his lips touched Li Yuze's lips little by little, as if he was hooking him to take the initiative. Li Yuze did not disappoint him, he held his waist with one hand and made him stick to him tightly. In his arms, he kissed it hard.

    The two of them didn't lock the door, and someone might push the door in at any time, or be seen, which added a bit of excitement.

    The two kissed heartily, and Xie Yi's mouth was slightly swollen. He panted and pushed Li Yuze away, wiping his mouth contentedly.

    Although he couldn't do it any further, it could be regarded as a relief for him.

    He didn't want to look at Li Yuze anymore, he turned around with the documents and was about to leave.

    The way he did it made Li Yuze think that every time he finished Xie Yi, he was leaning on the bedside and smoking a cigarette after the incident every time he finished Xie Yi, which gave him the illusion that he was being treated as a tool by Xie Yi.

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