Chapter 69 Reality 08

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    Xie Yi subconsciously raised his hand to cover the tooth mark on Li Yuze's back, his face flushed from shyness.

    They played for more than two hours just now and went to several places, but Li Yuze only wore a pair of swimming trunks, which means that Li Yuze walked around with this tooth mark for more than two hours?

    "Why are you touching me?" Li Yuze was taken aback by the hand he put on his back. He felt that the hand had changed from cold to warm, and then the temperature continued to rise, and it was as warm as a warm baby. Same.

    He looked down again to see Xie Yi blushing like that, and couldn't help teasing him, "Even if you want to touch me, you can bear it, so many people are watching now."

    Xie Yi's fingers trembled, but he didn't stick it behind Li Yuze. Take the hand off your back.

    When he thought that everyone had seen Li Yuze's tooth mark, and that several people kept peeking at his mouth just now, he was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground, but there was no crack in the ground. He got into Li Yuze's arms.

    He can't see anyone!

    Li Yuze didn't know what was wrong with him, but he felt that he was hot all over. He thought he was suffering from heat stroke, so he picked him up and said, "Just bear with it, I'll take you to

    the doctor ." Li pinched him and whispered, "I'm fine, please let me down quickly, no, take me out of here quickly."

    Li Yuze was very energetic when he heard his voice, it didn't look like he was sick, and he didn't either. I understood what was going on, and told a woman beside her that she would take her sister back later.

    The woman was an aunt who took care of her younger sister. She nodded and knew what to do.

    Li Yuze carried Xie Yi back to the locker room.

    Li Yuze has a separate dressing room, so he doesn't need to be with everyone.

    He carried Xie Yi in and put it on the chair, then stretched out his arms towards Xie Yi, "I'm in a good mood today, let's touch it enough."

    Xie Yi: "???"

    "Do you have any skin-to-skin hunger and thirst?" Li Yuze asked him.

    "What is that?" There were more and more question marks on Xie Yi's head.

    "If you don't touch my body, it will be very uncomfortable." Li Yuze said.

    "..." Xie Yi was very speechless, and turned around and didn't want to pay attention to him, "Look in the mirror yourself and see where your back is."

    Li Yuze followed his words, walked to the mirror and turned around to take a look, and saw a small tooth Yin, he chuckled, "You chewed it yesterday."

    Xie Yi frowned, "Don't say it again!"

    "Do you remember?" Li Yuze asked.

    "No." Xie Yi continued to get angry, and if I drink again in the future, I will be a dog!

    Because of this little episode, not only Xie Yi's department, but the entire company knew that the two of them were in a relationship, and everyone was speculating whether President Li was sincere to Xie Yi.

    Some people say that Mr. Li is so handsome, he must be a scumbag, and poor Xie Yi looks so fragile, if he is abandoned, he will definitely not be able to bear it.

    Xie Yi knew nothing about their discussion. When he returned to his room at night, Wei Yu kept asking him if he was really with Li Yuze.

    Xie Yi thought about it, but didn't know how to answer.

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