Chapter 62 Reality 01

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    When Xie Yi woke up from his sleep, he was sweating a lot, and the mechanical sound of the alarm clock gave him a headache.

    He rolled over irritably. He wanted to pat Li Yuze next to him to tell him to turn off the alarm clock, but he rolled over and got out of bed.

    Xie Yi looked at the warm yellow plaid curtains, the old peeling desk, the dark brown floor, and the one-meter-two-wide single bed next to him in confusion.

    "Where is this? I was kidnapped and brought to the slum?" Xie Yi patted his head and touched his thick hair. He raised his arms and looked at his firm skin and smooth calves.

    Xie Yi: "Old Li, come and see, I'm rejuvenated!"

    He shouted for a long time but no one responded to him, and a very strong sadness surged in his heart.

    He remembered that he and Li Yuze died at the age of 80, so where are they?

    He had lived in that world for almost sixty years, and for a while he had forgotten where it was.

    He got up and walked around the house in a daze, and then took out his phone and flipped through it. Only then did he remember that this small room was the single room he rented before crossing.

    This small single room can only fit a bed and a table, the light is not good, and the walls are always moldy, but it is the cheapest house he can find.

    Because of insufficient funds, Xie Yi has been using the wooden bed left by the landlord and the ugly desk since he moved in.

    He hadn't experienced such a poor life for a long time. Sitting on the bed, he smelled the damp and musty smell in the air, and it was a little fresh.

    Just yesterday, he died. He thought he could find Li Yuze in places like heaven or hell, but who knew he came back.

    Li Yuze was written by him, a fictional person, there must be no Li Yuze in the real world.

    Although they had passed a lifetime, he still felt that it was not enough.

    Xie Yi touched his chest, it was empty.

    Soon, his cell phone rang, it was his colleague Wei Yu.

    "Have you left? I'm almost at the company." Wei Yu said anxiously to him: "If you haven't gone out yet, can you bring an extra power bank, I remember you have two."

    "Go?" Xie Yi I have been retired for decades, and suddenly I heard the word company again, and I was a little confused.

    Haven't the current self been fired, and haven't started writing novels yet?

    He glanced at the time again, January 20th, the New Year is coming soon! He was fired in April of the following year.

    "Yeah," Wei Yu was also taken aback by his question, "You haven't woken up yet, have you? Come here soon, you'll be leaving soon."

    Xie Yi's memory returned to his brain little by little, and he remembered it. Well, before the Chinese New Year, in order to reward employees, the company organized a vacation trip, went to the beach, stayed in a luxury hotel, and ate seafood. It was a fun time. He had thought that the company's treatment was so good, and he wanted to spend a lifetime. They all stayed in this company, who knew that in April of the following year, he was slandered and fired for leaking the design draft.

    Wei Yu urged him, "Come out quickly, otherwise the company will leave you behind, and you will have to stay at home for the New Year."

    "Okay, I'll go." Xie Yi hung up the phone and washed quickly, Pick up the suitcase prepared last night, take a taxi and go to the company to gather with everyone.

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