Chapter 17

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    The feeling of retching came up again, Xie Yi waved with Lao Ge and rushed into the bathroom.

    Recently, he and Li Yuze have been eating the same things, it is impossible to have food poisoning, the weather is not very hot recently, it is not heatstroke, and the things he designed are also finished products, and it is not too stressful.

    It can't be true pregnancy, right...

    Xie Yi covered his stomach, his mind was very confused.

    The main core of this novel he wrote is that the heroine gives birth to a child. He transmigrated in and took the place of the heroine, so he had to have children like the heroine.

    Before, he had been comforting himself that it was impossible for a man to have a child, but now...

    he leaned against the wall and came out of the bathroom, hesitating, whether to delay it for a while or go to the hospital to check it himself.

    Walking back to his workstation, he decided to go to the hospital.

    If he is really pregnant, he knows that he can plan for the future. If Li Yuze knows about it with him and wants to rob him of his child, he won't even have a way.

    He made a decision and was about to ask for leave when the supervisor came over, "Xiaoyi, your previous design was very good, it didn't disappoint me, you are better than the previous fresh graduates, and I think they are the assistants. They are stupid."

    Xie Yi remembered that his setting was that a designer of the company resigned at that time, and the time was urgent, so he let the heroine take this position. Originally, she was going to be a designer assistant.

    Alas, if the heroine is not pregnant, she must have a bright future, but she was ruined by herself. Is this retribution?

    Xie Yi subconsciously covered his stomach.

    The supervisor added: "I still have a task to give to you. There is one of our series of star co-branded models that I did not share with others. I will share it with you now. It's the same as before."

    "What does it mean to be the same as before? I designed it and named him?" Xie Yi thought it was nothing before, wasn't it all for living, so he had to make compromises and concessions in his work, but today he Very irritable, and I don't know if the pregnancy affected his hormones.

    "It's like this every time, when will I be able to have my own works?" Xie Yi couldn't hold back the fire in his heart, "I'm sorry I'm not feeling well today, I'm going to take a leave to go to the hospital, I'll talk about this when I get back." Xie Yi Yi said, got up and turned off the computer.

    He showed the supervisor's face in public, but the supervisor couldn't come down on stage, and also said to him in front of other employees, "Xie Yi, why are you so immature, you can't be trusted at a young age, using your own name, others know who you are. Don't you beg me when you can't sell your stuff, and you'll be disliked and scolded by others, then don't cry and beg me."

    Xie Yi ignored him, turned off the computer and went out with his cell phone.

    Before Xie Yi left, the supervisor received a call from the president. He immediately changed his flattering attitude, "Mr. Li, why did you call me?"

    "Is Xie Yi here?" Li Yuze called Xie Yi just now, Yi actually didn't answer, and sent a message to Xie Yi asking him to go to the office, but Xie Yi didn't return or go. He had no choice but to call Xie Yi's supervisor.

    "He, this kid has a big temper. He left after saying a few words, and he didn't ask me for leave." The supervisor is only in his thirties, but he likes to call others children.

    When Li Yuze heard this, he remembered that he had inadvertently seen the conversation between Xie Yi and their supervisor before. The supervisor asked him to plagiarize and made Xie Yi angry. This time, it should be what the supervisor said to make Xie Yi angry.

    Li Yuze has been in the company for a month, and he has been intriguing with high-level executives every day. Now he has finally eliminated his dissidents and transferred all those people. Now he thinks of such a person who bullied Xie Yi, "If he is not here, you can come up. "Okay .

    " The supervisor heard the president's tone, and felt that the other party should be very angry, a little frightened, but he thought again, the president was looking for Xie Yi just now, it should be angry with Xie Yi, and it has nothing to do with him.

    He couldn't figure out how President Li knew Xie Yi, so he went to talk about it.

    When I got to the office, the supervisor knocked on the door and went in, and found that not only President Li was there, but also Zhou Weixin and another man.

    "Mr. Li, are you looking for me?" The supervisor saw that Zhou Weiwei was wearing the sample shoes just now, and he probably liked it very much. Does Li always want to praise him?

    Unexpectedly, Li Yuze asked him in a cold voice, "Who asked you to name the products designed by our company's designers on other people?"

    "This, this is what I came up with, you don't know Mr. Li, this Co-branded models are more interesting only if they are designed by the stars themselves, and fans are more willing to pay." The supervisor habitually looked down on people younger than himself, and subconsciously gave Li Yuze Barabara a lot of popular science, "Moreover, these It 's up to Mr. Zhang to decide."

    That old Mr. Zhang was always the previous president of the company, and because of the poor performance, Li Yuze's father replaced him and asked Li Yuze to take over the company.

    Li Yuze nodded, "Well, since you are so willing to follow in the footsteps of Mr. Zhang, why don't you go with him." When the

    supervisor heard this, he quickly wiped the sweat off his forehead, "President Li, what do you mean? "

    Zhou Wuzhi reminded him, "You, Mr. Li, may be telling you to pack up and get out."

    "Oh right, I heard that you like plagiarism, right? I will find someone to verify whether the products you designed before are original ." "Li Yuze said coldly.

    "Mr. Li, I..." The supervisor wanted to say something, but was scared away by Li Yuze's eyes, so he had to walk away in despair.

    Zhou Weiwei looked at the man beside him pitifully, "I also feel so pitiful for Xiao Xie, the things I worked so hard to design have to be counted on my head, but I have no choice. I have to listen to my agent for all my decisions. He told me to go east and I didn't dare to go west..." The

    man hugged Zhou Wei in distress, "With me here, no one will dare to control you in the future, I will give you another obedient agent tomorrow."

    Li Yuze looked The two of them were sticky and crooked, and they were upset, "Why don't you two leave."

    "It's noon, why don't we have dinner together?" The friend smiled and said, "Call your little beauty over and share the good news. Tell him that this design can be counted on him."

    Zhou Weiwei also said: "Yeah, let him come with me. Last time I went to his house to find him and had barbecue in the yard with him, he said he was special. I like to eat barbecue, I know the family is good, let's go

    together at noon." "He eats barbecue in the yard with you?" Li Yuze was not happy again, Xie Yi had never had barbecue with him before.

    He asked the secretary to ask where Xie Yi was, and asked him to wait in the parking lot. As a result, the secretary came back shortly after and said that Xie Yi was not at his desk. Other colleagues said that he went to the hospital and he didn't look sick. , quite spirited.

    "Going to the hospital?" Li Yuze was even more upset. He said that day he wanted to send Xie Yi to the hospital, and Xie Yi told him a lot of childhood shadows. So he was lying to him?

    Why did he go to the hospital by himself, does he have any ulterior motives?

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