Chapter 61

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    Their wedding was held on an island, and they invited the employees of the company and some good friends, and they said to each other that I am willing in the eyes of all the blessings.

    The climate and scenery here are good. After the wedding, I took a vacation here and played for more than a week before going back.

    They also brought the cubs over. In the evening, Xie Yi carried the cubs to the fine sand and let them crawl to play. The cubs rolled around happily, and Xie Yi sat beside them and watched they play.

    Li Yuze came over with half a watermelon in his arms and sat beside Xie Yi, feeding him spoonfuls by spoonfuls.

    Xie Yi leaned on Li Yuze's shoulder and sighed, "Wedding is really tiring, I haven't recovered after two days of rest."

    Li Yuze asked him with a smile, "Is it tiring for the wedding or the bridal chamber?"

    Xie Yi glanced at him A glance, "The children are here, don't talk nonsense." Li Yuze looked at the silly children, leaned over and kissed the corner of Xie Yi's mouth, "What do they know."


He crawled over and patted Li Yuze's arm with his sand-stained hand, and then the little dumplings crowded among them, all lying on Xie Yi's body.

    Xie Yi's body was covered with small dumplings, all of them were soft, he couldn't help pinching them, and a few cubs made babbling coquettish sounds, which melted Xie Yi's heart.

    Li Yuze raised his hand and snatched the two children into his arms, rubbing their faces with his face, and the two cubs screamed in disgust.


    After a short vacation, they are back on track, and the work should be overtime.

    In just two years, they made the company bigger, and Xie Yi was no longer as tired as when he first started the company. When he had spare time, Li Yuze took him to travel all over the country.

    This winter, Li Yuze finally took time to take Xie Yi to the ski resort. Xie Yi had never seen so much snow before, so he threw himself into the snow and rolled several times on the spot, until his face was frozen, and then he ran back to the house. Get warm inside.

    He leaned on the window and looked out, the hot air he exhaled condensed on the glass window, forming layers of hoarfrost.

    He wiped it off with his hands again and continued to look at the snow outside.

    Li Yuze stood behind him and looked at him, feeling like a curious baby, he stood behind Xie Yi and put his arms around him, "Can you ski?"

    "I've never seen so much snow, how can you ski? Xie Yi turned his head to look at him, "Do you want to say that I will teach you the next sentence? If you want to teach me, just say it, why should you show it off first?"

    Li Yuze pressed on his head, "A little sentimental." Not at all."

    Xie Yi hehe silly, "I'll come here once a year from now on."

    "Okay, if you like it, you can move your family here." Li Yuze picked him up, "Forget it, it's not dark yet. , I'll take you out for a while now."

    This time they didn't take the cubs with them, and they lived a two-person world to their heart's content. When they were about to go back, Li Yuze received a call from the housekeeper, saying that his mother was in front of him. A few days ago, I brought a few strong men to their house and wanted to break in and grab the child, but Pi stopped him.

Transmigrating into the birthing text and giving birth to cubsWhere stories live. Discover now