Chapter 60

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    Time flies so fast, Xie Yi remembered that the last time he received the little shoes that his aunt gave to the cubs, they couldn't wear shoes. It had been half a year in a blink of an eye.

    In an instant, all the worries in his heart because of Xie's earlier dissipated, he ran back to the room, took out all those little shoes, and took eight more clothes, without Li Yuze's help, he carried all these things by himself Went to the cubs' room.

    The cubs have also grown a bit bigger and look healthier.

    Xie Yi sat among the cubs, picked up his daughter first, and put on small shoes for her.

    The daughter was very obedient and did not move. She lowered her head and quietly watched Xie Yi put his shoes on.

    What Xie Yi prepared for him was a pair of small pink shoes with a delicate bow on them. The daughter seemed to like the bow very much and kept touching it with her hands.

    Xie Yi was a little afraid that she would grab it and eat it, and then took off her shoes. In the eyes of her daughter's disappointment, she changed him a pair of small pink shoes, which also had bows on them, but this bow It's embroidered.     When my daughter saw this embroidery, she was happy again. She stretched out her hand to grab it, but she couldn't catch it. She grinned and wanted to cry. 

   Xie Yi coaxed her for a while, put her down, and picked up Xiao Qi and came over to put on small shoes for him, followed by Xiao Liu, these two cubs also looked like him, with round eyes, very cute.  

  The next few became more and more like Li Yuze in order. When he picked up the boss, Xie Yi looked at the boss's cold eyes that were similar to Li Yuze's, and couldn't help laughing.

    Li Yuze sat next to him and asked him, "What did you find happy?"   

"I feel like he is very similar to you." Xie Yi asked him to look at Cub's face, "put him in shoes like you are holding a baby body. It's like putting shoes on you, it feels amazing."     "Have you ever thought of putting shoes on your adult body?" Li Yuze leaned over and asked.

    Xie Yi pushed him over in disgust, "Why are you joining in the fun, I'll put shoes on for the children."

    "Okay, if you don't wear them, you won't wear them." Li Yuze said and went out.

    Xie Yi stretched his neck and looked out, not understanding why Li Yuze left suddenly, was he angry?

    The cubs looked at him and chased after Li Yuze and left, one of them anxiously stretched out a hand to drag him, making a babbling sound in their mouths, pulling his gaze back.

    Xie Yi coaxed the cubs one by one to keep them from getting excited.

    He had just finished putting shoes on the big cub and was about to change into small clothes when Li Yuze came in and sat on the ground with a new pair of shoes for him to change.

    "Isn't this our family's new shoe?" Xie Yi would keep a pair for himself every time he finished making shoes before. He also kept a pair of this pair of shoes this time, but he was too busy to wear them yet.

    "If you don't wear it for me, I'll wear it for you at the head office?" Li Yuze tied his shoelaces, "I should let you be a model, and our shoes will sell better."

    "I'm not famous." Yi felt that Li Yuze was deliberately showing his affection in front of the children. He was afraid that he would make a few children cry unhappily, so he quickly retracted his feet.

    "You're not famous yet? Who doesn't know your name now?" Li Yuze asked him.

    "Yeah, everyone is not talking about my identity as a designer, but about how I trapped you, the rich and powerful boss, and some people asked me to write books to teach everyone." Xie Yi shook his head helplessly. "Every day when I open my Weibo, I get a kind of private message asking me to teach them how to trap rich men. It really amuses me."

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