Chapter 29

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    Xie Yi knew what he was going to say, and interrupted him with a tut, "This is my brother-in-law, don't think about it, let's go."

    Xie Yi took Li Yuze to the car, and waved to Xie Baihuan again: "Come back and accompany my sister, it's getting cold, so don't stay outside."

    Xie Yi pulled Li Yuze into the car, he found that Li Yuze's face was very bad, and explained to him again, "He is really me Brother-in-law, it's not an ex-boyfriend, I said he didn't need him to send it, he still had to pull me out, I didn't refuse him because I was afraid of fetal gas."

    Li Yuze glanced at Xie Yi's stomach, "He also I know you're pregnant, so I came back to you?"

    "Don't think about it," Xie Yi was speechless, "You're angry at home, don't be angry."

    "What happened at home?" Li Yuze knew that it might be possible It was Xie Yi who was deliberately changing the subject, but he couldn't help but ask.

    "Forget it, don't mention it." Xie Yi sighed, "Is it because you cut off contact with Bai Yueguang, and you see me tugging with a man again, and your heart is unbalanced? Since I said I want to Being with you, and raising children with you, you won’t do anything incomprehensible with others, don’t worry, I’m not that kind of person.”

    “It’s good that you know.” Li Yuze was originally angry. Gu Huo was subdued by Xie Yi, and when he saw Xie Yi Jong's blushing face again, he rubbed a hand on his face, "You are pregnant now, the weather is cold recently, and you have a cold when you go out. You and your child are not good. Also, I made an appointment for you to have a maternity check-up, and we will go together next week."

    "I won't go." Xie Yi resisted. You can definitely see it this time, if you let others know that he is pregnant with eight children, he must not be in the news immediately, he doesn't want to be ashamed.  

  "It's up to you." Li Yuze started the car, "I've already made an appointment, if you don't go, I'll let them move the machine to the house, you can choose." 

   Xie Yi: "...Okay, go, but you You have to assure me that this matter cannot be spread to the hospital."

    Originally, Li Yuze wanted to take him for a check-up on Monday, but Xie Yi said that he was too busy this week, and even if he had to squeeze out time, he would have to do it on Friday.

    After returning home, Li Yuze made an appointment to Xie Yi for a pregnancy checkup on Friday, and thinking that when his mother was pregnant with his younger brother, it was the food that was taken care of by the aunt at home, so he explained to the aunt to make some food for pregnant women.

    Auntie was shocked. She didn't expect that Xie Yi was actually pregnant. She had only been here for a month, but she felt that Xie Yi was gentle and polite to her. She also liked Xie Yi very much, and promised to take care of her daughter-in-law. Take care of Xie Yi.

    Li Yuze was afraid that Xie Yi would be unhappy when he heard it, so he told his aunt not to tell Xie Yi that he knew he was pregnant. Xie Yi was too thin-skinned, let alone tell outsiders.

    Auntie's mouth is very strict, she never talks to others, and she will keep it a secret without Li Yuze saying it.

    Xie Yi didn't know what Li Yuze said to his aunt. The food became very filling, and he stopped eating after two bites.

    Li Yuze asked him, "Why do you feel sick after eating so little?"

    "No." Xie Yi stopped eating when he was half full, "If you eat too much, your child will not be born, you care about your son, I can only care about myself. I myself."

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