Chapter 32

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Park Hyatt, who is far abroad, just found a house and a job, and sent a message to Li Yuze about the recent situation, thinking that he should not worry about himself, but after sending the message, he found that the other party had deleted him.

    He was stunned when he looked at the little red sign next to the conversation. Li Yuze would actually delete him?

    The two of them grew up together, and his mind is delicate. Naturally, he has long discovered Li Yuze's feelings for him, and he has always enjoyed Li Yuze's kindness to him.

    It's not that he didn't think it would be better to be with Li Yuze, but he was afraid that others would find out that he was gay.

    Although the same sex can get married and have children recently, the world's discrimination has not decreased, and men who can have children are also wearing tinted glasses.

    He doesn't know if he can conceive a child or not. If he becomes pregnant with Li Yuze after being together, he can't face the world.

    So he wanted to continue to maintain this relationship with Li Yuze, chatting when he had nothing to do, and Li Yuze could still help when he was in trouble, but now Li Yuze actually took the initiative to delete him without saying a single extra sentence.

    "Because of what?" Bai Yue wanted to understand the reason, so he called him. Fortunately, the phone was not blacklisted, but Li Yuze didn't answer the call. He sent another text message to ask him what happened. Yes, delete him.

    There was no reply to the message for a long time.

    Xie Yi listened to his cell phone ringing for a while, and was in a very irritable mood. He didn't bother to see who was calling Li Yuze, so he wanted to just turn it off.

    But I was afraid that it was an important call, so I turned him off by myself, and then he came back and blamed himself, Li Yuze had been sulking with him for two days, and after another day, he could no longer hold Li Yuze's body to relieve his cravings.

    He was so annoyed that he turned around and went out.

    Just as he opened the door, he bumped into Li Yuze who came back, "Your phone is ringing."

    Li Yuze didn't look at the direction of the phone, but focused on Xue Yi's red eyes, "Are you crying?"

    "Who's crying?" Xie Yi quickly touched his eyelids and wiped them clean just now, "I was blown away by the wind, don't get in my way."

    "Where are you going? It's noon, let's be together. Eat." Li Yuze thought he wanted to go to the company cafeteria to eat by himself, for fear that there would be too many people over there when he just got off work and he would be crowded.

    "Go out and smoke." Xie Yi was a little irritable and said casually. In fact, he knew that he had never smoked or drank alcohol since he was pregnant. Now that he said it, he also knew the reason why he was always irritable. Smoking a cigarette, and now there is no way to reduce stress, can my temper not get bigger?

    He just mentioned it casually, and Li Yuze became anxious, "Don't you know your current situation? Still smoking?

    Hand over your cigarettes." "You want to go out to buy?"

    "Your phone is ringing, hurry up and answer the phone, I won't quit, I'll go to the toilet." Xie Yi was bored and wanted to go out for a walk, afraid that Li Yuze would stop him. Push him away and go out.

    Li Yuze asked his secretary to watch him, stop smoking, and went into the room to answer the phone.

    The secretary looked confused, what is the relationship between these two people? Why did Mr. Li still not let Xie Yi smoke like a young daughter-in-law taking care of her husband?

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