Chapter 43

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    As time went on, Xie Yi's stomach became bigger and bigger, and it was very difficult to walk.

    Generally, pregnant women can walk with their stomachs held out, but Xie Yihuai has too many children, so he can't walk normally with a big belly. Even if he barely walks a few steps, his legs are shaking because of tiredness.

    Before going to work every day, Li Yuze took him outside to bask in the sun and breathed fresh air, then carried Xie Yi to the study, and then went to work.

    Xie Yi can also use work to pass the time when he stays at home. When he is tired from work, he slumps on the chair and surfs the Internet.

    But recently, Big Data found out that he was pregnant, and recommended all kinds of mother and baby products to him every day. He couldn't help buying a lot of children's clothes, toys, and some books. He wanted to teach the child himself when the child was born. Recognize words, write their names, and teach them to sing nursery rhymes.

    The bigger the child in the womb, the more maternal love in his body, and he always spends a lot of time fantasizing about getting along with the children in the future.

    But then Big Data recommended him some videos and articles written by pregnant women. After giving birth, a pregnant woman is paralyzed, or her retina is detached and blind, or she has a massive hemorrhage and almost died in the ICU. The skin on the belly after the baby became wrinkled like that of a grandmother.

    Xie Yi covered his stomach in fear, making him dizzy and nauseous. He has had a hard time walking recently. He knows the pain of not being able to walk. If he is really paralyzed, what should he do? If you are blind, how can you work and design? And the skin on the belly becomes wrinkled and can still grow abs?

    He had always been envious of Li Yuze's abdominal muscles before, and he planned to go to the gym to practice abdominal muscles after the child was born. Although he is lazy, the chances of developing abdominal muscles are slim, but no matter how slim it is, it is better than nothing.

    He was not in the mood to do his work, and sat in a chair all day upset.

    When Li Yuze came back in the evening, the housekeeper told him that Xie Yi had stayed in the study all day, did not work or eat much, and was not in a good mood.

    Li Yuze went to look at him worriedly, and sure enough, not even a light was turned on in the study, so Xie Yi just curled up into a ball and nestled in the chair. Not to mention the pitiful appearance of a big belly.

    Li Yuze didn't know what he was upset about, so he didn't dare to turn on the light, for fear of scaring him, he walked gently beside him and sat down and looked at him.

    Xie Yi found that he was back, and said weakly, "You are back?"

    "Well, I heard that you have no appetite to eat today, have you encountered any problems at work? Let me see if I can help you solve it? Li Yuze leaned over and asked him softly. He couldn't see Xie Yi's expression in the dark, but he could feel that Xie Yi's emotions were very fragile now, as if it would shatter when touched.

    Could it be that the prenatal depression has become serious again. He has been pregnant for more than five months, and he will give birth in two months. The doctor said that Xie Yi's mood will become more and more unstable.

    He tentatively reached out and held Xie Yi's hand. Xie Yi didn't dodge it. He breathed a sigh of relief, "Tomorrow will be New Year's Eve. I can take a vacation for a while and stay with you at home."

    Xie Yi didn't withdraw his hand. , only said lightly, "I may be dying."

    Li Yuze's hand tightened suddenly, "What are you thinking about? Didn't we just go to the maternity check-up two days ago, the doctor said the babies are healthy , you are also very healthy and you will be fine." "

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