Chapter 7

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    Li Yuze had never been a financial sponsor, but just when his friend was having dinner with him at noon, he showed him the little star he had recently fostered, and he asked casually.

    The friend was still curious: "You usually dislike me when I tell you about this. What's wrong with you today? You won't..."

    Li Yuze didn't answer him, but the somewhat uncomfortable expression already explained everything.

    "I didn't expect you to be such a serious person, and you started doing this kind of thing? Tell me, which little model or a little star? You look like an angel, right? Otherwise, how can you be fascinated by your own principles?"

    "You Saying this again, we can't talk today." Li Yuze asked him when he saw that he had calmed down from his indecent look just now, "Just tell me, what do you usually pay and what do you get?"

    "You Are you talking about business here? Of course the little lover has to pamper and love you, or who will be with you." The friend began to talk about what he gave to his little star recently, of course, there is an element of exaggeration in it, in order to keep comparing Li Yuze pretended to be arrogant in front of himself, "I must give a house, I can't get a cheap one, I gave him a double-storey villa, and then gave him a few protagonists of film and television dramas, other resources are also available. Quite a few, a single drama is worth millions and tens of millions, and there will be more in the future, how much did you pay for the one you recently packaged?"

    Li Yuze: "..."

    "You don't give nothing, do you?" The friend looked at him in surprise, "Don't tell me what you gave me was your own beauty."

    Li Yuze left with a gloomy face as he couldn't talk anymore.

    He did give a little bit. Although Xie Yi is stupid and incompetent, he is much more beautiful than the little star of his friend just now. If Xie Yi is thrown into the entertainment circle, his appearance will be overwhelmed now. The hottest idol.

    Xie Yi hurriedly packed his things and went to the hotel. He thought that Li Yuze would throw him on the bed a few times as he did last time. After venting, he would leave and leave him alone to eat and stay here for one night, who knows When he entered the room, he found a candlelit dinner in front of the hotel's glass window?

    The lights in the room were dim, Li Yuze sat on the chair in front of the window and looked out the window, the warm yellow candle added a bit of warmth to his stern face, making him look no longer the inhuman CEO, but more approachable Some.

    "Why did you prepare this? It's like falling in love." Xie Yi knew that Li Yuze was here to vent, and he did the same. Just follow the process, there's no need to get these unnecessary things.

    Li Yuze just replied lightly, "It was delivered by the hotel."

    "Oh." Xie Yi felt that this was more reasonable, but when he turned his head, he saw several sets of new clothes on the bed, as well as shoes and a watch. "Is this also from the hotel?"

    Li Yuze didn't expect him to ask so much. Normally, Xie Yi would happily accept the things, then happily threw himself into his arms and kissed him. He said coquettishly, thank him, and have a good night. Repay him?

    Li Yuze, who has never been a gold master, once again fell into a blind spot of knowledge.

    He turned his head to look at Xie Yi in a irritable mood, and found that Xie Yi was still dressed like a college student, fresh and clean. It was estimated that it was not long after graduation, and he had not yet caught the social atmosphere.

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