Chapter 64 Reality 03

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    Xie Yi fell back on the bed again, with no love for life.

    "Still asleep? It's three o'clock in the afternoon." Li Yuze sat down in front of the bed with a smile, "You have missed all the activities organized by the company."

    After Li Yuze finished speaking, he saw Yi pulling the quilt and covering his head.

    "What do you mean? Is it because of the habit of not leaving in other people's rooms?" Li Yuze lifted the quilt and found that Xie Yi was actually crying.

    "Why are you crying, it's like I did something wrong to you." Li Yuze took a few pieces of paper and threw them to him, "It's really a little crying bag, crying every day for three days."

    "I knew you did it on purpose, you It's just a conspiracy! I just mistrusted you, and I drank your wine and got into your thief's bed!" Xie Yi grabbed the quilt and wrapped himself tightly, as if he was afraid that this man would be wild again, "I usually drink a lot. Okay, have you drugged in the wine? Otherwise, how could I get drunk after drinking a bottle?"

    "You drank half a case," Li Yuze shook his head helplessly, seeing him like this and wanting to tease him, "I I haven't cried yet, but you wicked cry."

    "Evil man? Who are you talking about?" Xie Yi didn't expect him to be so shameless, so he got drunk and dragged him into the room to do whatever he wanted, and bit him back.

    "Last night I just wanted to talk to you, but you hugged me, bit and kissed me. When I pulled you away, you cried, as if I was going to do something to you." Li Yuze took out his phone, "Yes. The video is proof."

    Xie Yi looked at his screen in disbelief, and sure enough he saw the video of him splashing and rolling on the beach last night and asking this man to kiss him and hug him.

    Although his appearance in the video is coquettish, he can clearly feel that he regarded this man as Li Yuze last night.

    "After that, I said to send you back to the room, but you kept hugging me like a koala, lying on top of me, and saying that I was not allowed to leave. Many people saw it." Li Yuze retracted his phone, " I asked which room you lived in and you didn't say anything, I could only bring you back."

    "If you want to know where I live, just ask my department leader. You just want to bring me back on purpose." After seeing the video of himself kissing him, Xie Yi was speechless.

    "In the middle of the night, after twelve o'clock, I will call your leader? If you don't sleep, others will not sleep? Do you think I treat the employee as a slave? Call him in the middle of the night if something happens?" Li Yuze sighed again, " I think you did it on purpose, on purpose to want me to bring you back, and then you would do whatever you want with me, pity my 30 years of pure flesh. Your body has been ruined by you." 

   "If you can't find my room, Throw me on the beach. If you didn't have to bring me back, would you be spoiled? You are rushing to get spoiled, no wonder I. " Xie Yi's face flushed, he felt it. The body is a little sore, but the key part is the feeling that it has not been done.

    No matter what he did, that is, he kissed him and touched him, but why did this man say that he had spoiled him? Could it be that they are always the ones who suffer? Did you really get wild yesterday and opened the door to a new world?

In the world he traveled through before, he barely had eight centimeters, but now that he is back, he has to be twelve or three centimeters at least, which is enough.    

"Am I really you?" Xie Yi took the opportunity to pick up the clothes thrown by the bed and put them on his body. He wanted to look for the pants, but he couldn't find them, so he probably threw them farther away.

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