Chapter 27

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    Xie Yi thought about his words again and again, did Li Yuze care if he said "the child is not yours" just now.

    Could it be that Li Yuze was afraid that he would say in front of outsiders that the child would not lose face with his surname, so he specifically asked this sentence?

    Does he want to save face himself? The children are born by themselves, so it is not allowed to say that the children are their own or his?

    He was about to push Li Yuze away and argue with him when his own cell phone rang. It was a call from home.

    He answered the phone, got off Li Yuze's lap, and before he could speak, he heard the hostess' mother say to him, "I haven't been back for more than a month, don't you want to go home?"

     He has forgotten that home since the day he left. Anyway, he wrote about the existence of this home in order to give the heroine a poor life experience. When he wrote it, he didn't have much emotion, and after he crossed over, he didn't have any emotion anymore.

    "Your sister has found another boyfriend, and she will come to eat at home tomorrow, and you will come back together." The hostess' mother said happily.

    "What does it mean to find another one? I remember when I left, didn't she just fall in love? She changed her in just a month?" Xie Yi asked.

    "The previous one was fine, but the parents of the boy's family disagreed. They disliked our small family and broke them up. This time, although your sister is not so rich, his parents have an annual salary. More than 10 million, it can be matched with our family." Mom said.

    Xie Yi: "..." Our family's salaries do not add up to an annual salary of 1 million, yet we still despise other people's families with tens of millions of annual salaries?

    "Remember to come back tomorrow." Mom said and hung up the phone.

    Xie Yi looked down at his belly. It just happened that the weather was getting colder now, so he could cover it up by wearing a few more clothes. He went home when his belly was not big now, and he would not be able to go home when his belly was completely big. Showed up.

    After he hung up the phone, he looked back and saw that Li Yuze was still sitting on the sofa sulking. He didn't want to coax him, "I'm going home tomorrow, I'm tired, I'm going back to sleep."

    Li Yuze continued to be sullen on the sofa, and didn't go up to find him. He woke up after a sleep and found that Li Yuze was not at home, but asked his aunt to cook him a delicious meal.

    Xie Yi thought that Li Yuze would be very happy when he knew that he was pregnant, at least stay at home with him, probably because he forced Li Yuze to delete Bai Yueguang, so be angry with himself.

    A small stand-in actually asked the gold master to delete Bai Yueguang, and forced him not to contact Bai Yueguang, can you not be angry with him?

    But this is also what Li Yuze asked for. If he insists on staying and not allowed to leave, then he must be prepared to give up Bai Yueguang.

    Originally, he was not very relieved to stay, but he was relieved when he saw that Bai Yueguang had previously given Li Yuze the news that he would not return to China after graduation.

    Maybe it's because he changed a lot of the plot after he passed through. Even if he left, Bai Yueguang would not come back, and Li Yuze and Park Yue had no chance. With such a good body, it's better to cheap yourself.

    After lunch, he became weak again. He went back to take a nap. It was past three o'clock in the afternoon.

    He was afraid that his energy would not be as concentrated day by day, so he should finish the work at hand as soon as possible, so as not to delay the time and affect the new style.

    He stayed until the evening, continued to draw after eating, and finally settled on the first draft, ready to take it to the company on Monday to hold a meeting with the supervisor and other auxiliary departments to decide.

    Li Yuze didn't come back until he went to bed, and Xie Yi didn't bother to care about him. It was estimated that he was sulking and went out alone to vent.

    He fell asleep and Li Yuze came back.

    Li Yuze looked at the person lying on the bed with a complicated expression and sighed. For the time being, he could not fully accept the child in Xie Yi's belly. He wanted to relax for a few days and moved to the guest room to sleep at night.

    Xie Yi thought he didn't come back overnight, but Li Yuze insisted on taking him home when he came home the next day.

    "You don't want to go home with me to see the parents, right?" Xie Yi rubbed his stomach, "Although I have a child with you, there is no need to see the parents."

    Li Yuze looked at Xie Yi with a gloomy expression. Stomach, I just told him yesterday to let him say that the child is his, and now he is in the play.

    "I don't want to go home with you, I just want to go out to do some errands, and I will take you by the way." Li Yuze gave him a few documents, "Sign it."

    "What is this?" Xie Yi was afraid that he would sign a marriage agreement with him, but he opened it. But it was written about the real estate transfer procedures under Li Yuze's hands. Several houses and even a few shops are all good locations in the city center, and the rent is a lot every month.

    Before, he wanted to get his own studio of a niche brand. Now that he has these, he can even save the space for the studio and the store. Fortunately, he didn't really leave yesterday, so he really saved a lot of life with Li Yuze. trouble.

    "The shares I mentioned before are being transferred, it's not that fast, you wait for a while." Li Yuze said with a gloomy expression: "If you have any thoughts of leaving after taking these, don't blame me for not thinking about the old feelings."

    "Your white moonlight . I don't come back, what am I doing when I leave?" Xie Yi happily took a few houses, and when he arrived at the door of the house, his face was smiling, making his parents and sisters think that he was happy because he came home.

    When his mother saw him coming back, she quickly took him to introduce him, "This is your brother-in-law, your sister's classmate, also surnamed Xie. Although it has the same pronunciation and different words, it is also a kind of fate."

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