Chapter 58

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    "Date?" Xie Yi subconsciously wanted to refuse. If it was before, he would definitely say that our family is so big. If you want to date, I will accompany you to walk in the yard, and I will ask the kitchen to cook for you what you want to eat. , If you want to watch a movie, our house also has a dedicated audio-visual room, and you can even watch movies that have not yet been released on the market. Why do you have to go out?

    But now he doesn't want to refuse Li Yuze's date request.

    "How do you want to date?" Xie Yi asked Li Yuze.

    "You don't have any place to go? What do you want to do?" Li Yuze asked Xie Yi rhetorically.

    "Ideas? I've never dated, but I've seen other people dating on TV and novels, not just eating, watching movies, shopping, going to a playground..." Xie Yi recalled, when he wrote this article before, he I haven't written about the date of the hero and heroine, and the two of them have very few opportunities to meet each other. The most scenes are Li Yuze's fucking torture of the heroine.

    Fortunately, Li Yuze has taken care of his family now, otherwise if he wants to be with Li Yuze now, he will be bored to death.

    However, if Li Yuze hadn't settled his family, and his heart was oriented towards his family, he would definitely not have lived with him, and he might have left with the child.

    "What are you thinking about? Why do you frown so deeply on a date, don't think about it if you can't think of it, just follow what you said just now, go shopping and watch a movie, I have never been to a movie theater."

    "You didn't think about it. Been to a movie theater?" Xie Yi took two steps back in shock and looked at Li Yuze, "You haven't been to a movie theater since you were young?"

    "No." Li Yuze didn't think this was shocking.

    "Didn't you go with your classmates when you were in school?" Xie Yi asked again.

    "Having no friends will delay study time." Li Yuze felt that it was a waste of time to make friends, and his mother often watched him and prevented him from going out. Even the school organized a spring outing and kept him at home to study. .

    "You are so cold." Xie Yi clicked his tongue a few times, "Don't you feel bored? Don't you feel lonely? Don't tell me that learning is your friend, I can't stand it."   

Li Yuze pulled him over, put his hands around his waist, and put his face on his stomach, "It's not that I don't want to make friends, it's my mother who interfered, otherwise I'm so afraid of her coming to you, she would A classmate who came to my house to play with me took it out and threw it on the road. We were only eight years old at that time, and no one was friends with me after that."  

  Xie Yi looked down at him, feeling that he looked pretty good now. Vulnerable, he rubbed his head distressedly, "No wonder you are friends with friends and Park Hyatt, you are so lacking in love, so when the two of them are pestering you, and you can't get rid of them, you do it with them. I've been a friend for so many years. But your mother is so strict with you probably for your own good. Without her then, there would be no you now."

    "At first I thought she was for me, but later I found out that every time she The happiest time is when I send out my report card, or when I go to the competition for the school to get the results, so that she can take my report card to my dad to claim credit, because at that time my dad was raised outside. I had three lovers, and they all gave birth to children. My mother felt a sense of crisis, so he wanted my dad to see who was his best child." Li Yuze has never said anything about his family. He couldn't stop talking, "Since then, I felt that they were disgusting, so we have always maintained a superficial family relationship with them." 

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