Chapter 24

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    Li Yuze was very gentle because he was afraid of hurting him.

    When Xie Yi and Li Yuze got to know each other, Li Yuze was like a wild beast, especially fierce. Every time he was tossed to death, he also liked being tossed, but now that he has become so gentle, it is even worse. This feeling was going to be magnified, and it made him even more unbearable, and his feet kept rubbing against the sheets.

    When it was over, his bones were all crisp, and he slumped on the bed limply, "You take me to take a bath, I don't have the strength."

    "Are you acting like a spoiled child with me?" Li Yuze looked at him unexpectedly.

    "Isn't it what you said, do you like to be paralyzed in your arms and act coquettish with you after you're done? I was too lazy to care about you before, so don't you want to leave?" Xie Yi didn't finish speaking, so he said to leave after finishing it, right? It's too cruel, but Li Yuze doesn't like himself either, so he shouldn't care whether he leaves or not, at most he can't bear the child, let's sit down and talk tomorrow.

    "Don't always say things like this." Li Yuze picked him up, "You're so tired, don't move around, I'll take you to take a bath."

    Xie Yi was taken care of by him very well. I didn't expect that Li Yuze would give people a bath, blow his hair, and be so gentle.

    Could it be that the male protagonist he wrote was also worn by human souls? Otherwise, why are you being so nice to his stand-in?

    It was almost twelve o'clock in the middle of the night after the bath. He was so sleepy that he should have fallen asleep in bed, but he was hungry.

    He sternly warned himself in his heart that he couldn't eat any more. He ate eight cubs into balls, and they wouldn't be able to give birth by then.

    But he kept thinking about the marinated chicken feet in his mind. He really wanted to eat it. His saliva was about to flow down

    . flow down.


    Forget it, let's eat it. Where can I get fat by eating a few chicken feet? But he was too lazy to move...

    He wanted to eat again, and was too lazy to get out of bed, so he finally looked at Li Yuze.

    "I heard that after some people get pregnant, they will become very greedy." Xie Yi said.

    "Who do you listen to, don't listen to other people's nonsense." Li Yuze patted him, could it be that Xie Yi wanted to conceive his child, but he is a man, even if there is a chance of pregnancy, now that he is so sick, it is impossible to get pregnant, "Go to sleep, don't think about it."

    "I can't sleep. I want to eat braised chicken feet now. I remember there are chicken feet in the refrigerator." Xie Yi said.

    "Auntie has already slept." Li Yuze said.

    "Some of the people I'm talking about are not others, but me." Xie Yi looked at him, "Do you have to be coquettish with you before you can agree to me? I know you like to listen to others coquetry, but I don't know what to do now. Strength, I'll supply you tomorrow."

    Li Yuze: "...You wait a while, I'll make it for you, but the braised chicken feet take a long time to cook, so you can eat it tomorrow morning."

    "No, I really want to eat it, you make it. Call me up when you're done." Xie Yi hugged Li Yuze's pillow, and was so sleepy that he didn't forget to remind him, "You must call me when you're done, don't forget!"

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