Chapter 49

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    Li Yuze sent Xie Yi back to his room, and then went out to answer the phone.

    "I heard from your brother that you have given birth to seven boys? Bring it back to me another day." Li Yuze's mother was obviously very happy. She waited for a long time. Her son is 30 years old and finally has a child. Finally a grandma.

    "The child is still young, so it is inconvenient to take it out." Li Yuze believes that the child was born by Xie Yi, and Xie Yi has the right to let anyone see the child, and not let anyone see the child. His mother saw that Xie Yi would definitely not agree, and he directly refused for Xie Yi.

    "It's inconvenient, then your dad and I will go to your place to see the child." Mom felt that she had made a huge concession, and Xie Yi should be grateful to Dade.

    "That's even more inconvenient." Li Yuze said, "You don't agree with me marrying him, and he has no reason to agree to let you see the child."

    "Is this what he means?" The mother asked dissatisfiedly, "I am The child's grandmother, why can't you go to see the child?"

    "It's not what he meant, it's what I meant, since you don't agree with our marriage, the child has nothing to do with our family, and you are not the grandma of the child." Li Yuze I know that Xie Yi doesn't want to marry him, but he doesn't want to get married now, and he may want to marry him one day in the future, so he has to do his family's work well before Xie Yi agrees to marry him, and he can't let him get married. Xie Yi was wronged.

    "Did he teach you that? Well, it's not even married yet, so you've been held by him like this, what if you're married?"

    "It wasn't he who taught me, he wanted to give birth to those children. I almost lost my life, can't I feel sorry for him?" Li Yuze asked back.

    "You feel sorry for him, but you don't know how to feel sorry for your own mother?" His angry voice raised his mother a few times, "Was it easy when I gave birth to you?"

    "I want to feel sorry for you, but you won't let me. You have to say that I abandon the person I love, abandoning my child is the way you want me to feel sorry for you. I can't do it, I can only use the way I think is right. ." Li Yuze was still in a hurry, his voice was flat, "If you can't accept him, then we will still be like before, I am still your son, but he is not from our family, and the child is not your grandchildren. , each has his own way, don't disturb anyone."

    "Okay, you are my son, he is an outsider, then you can go home now and distance yourself from him, anyway, after these children are gone, you will talk to him later. Others get married and want to have a few children, but I still have grandchildren." My mother said fiercely.

    "The ligation just done the day before yesterday, you are just a few grandchildren. If you don't recognize it, you will be gone." Li Yuze refused to give in.

    "You actually, actually..." His mother was so angry that he couldn't say anything.

    "Mom, I still have something to do. I won't talk to you for now. Don't be angry and take care of yourself." Li Yuze hung up the phone and another call came in, but this time it wasn't his parents, but his aunt.

    He has an aunt and two uncles. The relationship between the two uncles is not very good with him, but this aunt loved him since he was a child. Since he was a child, he liked to go to his aunt's house to play. When he was a child, when he was sick several times, his aunt accompanied him in the hospital. He was very reliant on this aunt. Later, when he grew up, he took over the family's company. The aunt's company had a conflict of interest with their family's company, so the relationship gradually faded, and he couldn't contact him twice a year.

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