Chapter 51

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    "It turns out that you are Mr. Li's mother. Mr. Li's office is not on this floor. I can give you directions if you want him." Xie Yi guessed what she was doing to find him. Originally, he was in a good mood today. His good mood was ruined.

    "I'm not here to find him, I'm here to find you, you don't have to think about finding him to save you, I asked, he just went out." Li's mother pointed to the seat next to her, "Come and sit down. "

    Xie Yi saw her tone and actions, as if she didn't ask him to sit in the past, but told him to give him a seat like the Queen Mother Lafayette in the TV series.

    "Since you came to me on a day when Li Yuze was not in the company, did you come to embarrass me on purpose?" Xie Yi walked over and sat across from him, asking without any panic on his face.

    "To embarrass you?" Li's mother was amused by him, "Don't worry, since my son likes you, I will not embarrass you."

    "Oh." Xie Yi nodded, and continued to sit there pretending to be stupid, she did not speak to herself Just don't ask anything.

    "You should also see that I don't like you, and I don't want you to marry my son, but..." Mama Li deliberately lengthened her tone, wanting to see Xie Yi's reaction.

    He wanted to see Xie Yi's flustered expression, or came over to please her in fear, and begged her to agree to the marriage of the two of them.

    But she didn't see anything, Xie Yi didn't seem to care what she thought at all, and regarded her as a passerby.

    Mother Li was in a bad mood, and continued with a stern face: "Since my son likes you and insists on being with you, and I love my son so much, I can only agree to you marrying him, but I tell you, even if I agree If you marry him, it doesn't mean I agree with you."

    Li's mother gave a light chuckle, she guessed that Xie Yi should have laughed happily when she heard that she agreed to get married. Huh, I can't hide anything in my mind.

    She was still thinking about how capable this little fox spirit who can fascinate his son is, it turned out to be just this way.

    Her sense of superiority was about to overflow, and she continued: "I chose an auspicious date for the yellow head, and I will get the certificate on the tenth day of next month. Let's talk about the wedding. Anyway, you are a man who has given birth to a child, and you don't need any wedding, my son. If you don’t want you, you can’t get married, so you can avoid the wedding, and the two men will have a wedding when they get married, so the relatives and friends can’t laugh at our Li family when they come.”

    Xie Yi laughed again, this time he almost burst out laughing, he opened his mouth, but before he opened his mouth, Li's mother glared at him.

    "Who told you to interrupt when I was talking? There are really no rules at all." Mama Li touched the jade bracelet on her wrist and continued: "But it doesn't matter if you don't understand the rules now, I can teach you slowly, In the future, you won't be working in the company anymore, go to our house, and I will set aside a few months to teach you well."

    Xie Yi asked her with a smirk, "What are the rules? Let me know more about it."

    Mama Li really thought he wanted to learn the rules from her, so she said unhurriedly, "I've been in for so long, don't I have a glass of water? For a stupid person like you, it is estimated that you won't be able to learn it in half a year."

    Xie Yi turned to give and he poured a glass of warm water, "You can moisten your throat and talk about it."

    Li's mother pretended to take a sip of water and continued: "Our Li family is a wealthy family, you know, there are naturally more rules than other families, for you are so respectful, I'll tell you well, the first rule is that after you enter the door, you must follow your husband's surname."

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