Chapter 70 Reality 09

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    One of the reasons why Xie Yi bought this house before was because it was close to the company, so he didn't have to get up two hours earlier every day to squeeze the subway to the company.

    On the way here just now, Li Yuze said that he was transferred to another department, and his job was basically stabilized. Coupled with the buyer's dislike of the house, he didn't want to sell it.

    He told the intermediary that he would not buy a house. The intermediary looked at Li Yuze and then at Xie Yi, complaining that Xie Yi was deliberately playing tricks, but his professionalism was still there. Ask Xie Yi to contact him again.

    The person who came to see the house was not happy either. He originally planned to buy the house, but he said so many bad things just to reduce the price. Who knows that the other party really won't sell it.

    But seeing Li Yuze's uneasy appearance, he only dared to force it in a low voice, instead of directly arguing with Xie Yi.

    After everyone left, Xie Yi said to Li Yuze, "I originally wanted to change jobs, but I couldn't make money, so I wanted to sell this house. Now that you are here, I don't need to change jobs, I can pay it back by myself. Mortgage loan."

    "Do you want to reject the gift I gave?" Li Yuze stood in front of the window and looked out. From here, he could actually see a corner of the company building. He turned his back to Xie Yi and said, "You are the first one. The person who rejected my gift."

    Xie Yi couldn't hear the tone of his words, couldn't see his expression, didn't know if he was angry, he thought that he didn't say anything when Li Yuze gave him anything before. Just accept it. If you haven't tried it, don't accept it. If you don't accept what he sent, he will feel very shameless.

    Xie Yi thought about it, he is a caring boyfriend, and he should be tolerant, "If you want to send it, just send the money directly to my card."

    Li Yuze was a little surprised, "I thought you would reject me, not ask for it. My money."

    "Don't you like to give money to people? In the past, you not only gave money to me, but also to others." Xie Yi walked up to him, "When you were with me, you even gave money to your crush. Money, although you got all the money back in one go."

    "When I was with you, I gave money to others? I'm such a scumbag?" Li Yuze didn't believe he would do such a thing, "Are you lying to me?"

    "I saw it with my own eyes." Xie Yi I remember seeing Li Yuze give him money for Bai Yueguang before.

    "Since you saw me giving money to others, why are you still with me?" Li Yuze was curious about what happened at that time. He hated himself for forgetting everything.

    Xie Yi was taken aback by his question, that memory had passed for him for fifty or sixty years, he thought for a moment, when he was with Li Yuze, he didn't like him, he was just jealous of Li Yuze's body, and He also used greed for Li Yuze's money to cover up his greed for his body.

    Thinking of this, he couldn't help but burst into laughter, "I didn't like you at first, so it doesn't matter who you pay me, but it's different later, your money is my money, how can I give it to someone else? Renhua ."

    Xie Yi said that this was a bit disappointing, at that time Li Yuze could give him an absolute sense of security, making him feel that no matter what he did to Li Yuze, Li Yuze would never leave him.

    But now he has become cautious, he feels that he can't catch the person in front of him, maybe he doesn't know him well enough.

    Seeing his expression, Li Yuze was happy for a while, and then lost for a while. Maybe he remembered the happy things, and then found that those happiness had become the past.

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