Chapter 23

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    Li Yuze didn't find Xie Yi's medical records at home, nor did he find anything about Xie Yi's illness at home. If he was sick, he should take medicine. Could it be that he gave up on himself to such a degree?

    He is going to talk to Xie Yi again at night. If Xie Yi doesn't tell him the truth, he will tie Xie Yi to the hospital early tomorrow morning for an examination, and he will have to try again if he can save it.

    But when he got off work at night, the family called him home for dinner. Since he moved in together with Xie Yi, he has rarely come home, and it would be unreasonable not to go home and show his face again.

    He counted the time, it was only after eight o'clock when he came back from dinner, and he had time to talk to Xie Yi, so he told Xie Yi and went home to have dinner with his parents.

    Xie Yi was originally afraid that Li Yuze would force himself to the hospital as he did during the day. He was relieved when he heard Li Yuze said he would not go back to eat. It's better to make it clear to Li Yuze these few days and leave early, lest Bai Yueguang come back and see him embarrassed.

    These days, Li Yuze's driver sent him home, but today he got off work and received news from Zhou Weiwei. Zhou Weiwei said that he was fine tonight and wanted to go to his house for barbecue, and stopped by the company to pick him up.

    Xie Yi thought that he would leave by himself in the future, and he had no chance to contact Zhou Wei, so he might as well have a meal with him today as a farewell.

    When he got in the car, Zhou Weiwei also asked him, "Have you not taken your driver's license yet? When will President Li send you a car like this?"

    "I don't want a car, and it's not convenient for me to go to school now." Xie Yi said and touched his stomach.

    Just now, Zhou Weiwei, who was far away, found out that something was wrong with his belly. Now he looked at it and touched it, "You are pregnant!?"

    "Don't you know? I thought Li Yuze had already told you." Xie Yi remembered In the novel, Li Yuze will ask his friends for many things and say that the relationship between Li Yuze and his friends is similar to the relationship between the heroine and Lao Ge. He is pregnant now, but Li Yuze didn't tell his friends. Is it because the child was not conceived by Bai Yueguang, so he Don't care at all?

    "Mr. Li didn't tell us." Zhou Weiwei looked at his belly in surprise, "There are only three men in the country who have been pregnant, and now you are the fourth, Mr. Li is really lucky!"

    "What does it have to do with him? The child is mine." Xie Yi sighed, "Let's go, didn't you say you want to eat barbecue?"

    "Okay." Seeing that he didn't want to talk about the child, Zhou Wei was afraid that he would be upset if he asked him. He shifted the topic to other things, "Why do you feel that you are always indifferent to Mr. Li? Mr. Li likes you so much."

    "He likes me? How can you tell?" Xie Yi asked him with a smile.

    "Look, he bought you such a big house, and he went to dinner with you on his back that day, but my husband has never gone to dinner with me." Zhou Weiwei said enviously.

    "Don't think too much, I'm just a stand-in. The person he really likes looks similar to me. How good he is to me, it proves how much he likes his white moonlight." Xie Yi saw it very clearly, so he I didn't show my sincerity, and I didn't take Li Yuze's goodness to him seriously. Anyway, no matter how good Li Yuze was to him, it wasn't for him, but for Park Yue. Maybe Li Yuze was looking for him to practice his skills. Routines are used in Park Hyatt.     "However, if it's a stand-in, it's impossible to be so good to you. The last thing about the shoes was that he helped you out. Do you think he can be so good to the stand-in?" Zhou Weiwei thought of the novels he read: "In the novel, the average male protagonist will fall in love with the substitute he found. At the beginning, he abuses the substitute, and then it is time to chase his wife in the crematorium."

     After hitting Hache, I felt a little sleepy, so I stopped talking to him and lay on the chair to catch up on sleep.

     Zhou Weiwei originally said that he was fine at night, and his friends didn't look for him. As a result, halfway through the meal, Zhou Weiwei received a call and left. 

   Xie Yi ate the rest of the barbecue by himself. Recently, his appetite has increased. In order to reduce the pain when giving birth, he deliberately reduced the portion of each meal. , Before eight o'clock after eating, he was so sleepy that he went to bed.

    Li Yuze came back and found that Xie Yi had actually fallen asleep. He sat on the edge of the bed and gently touched Xie Yi's face, which was still a little rosy, not like the color of a sick person.

    "Did you sleep so late on purpose to hide from me?" Li Yuze pinched his fingers on his face, and his skin was even smoother than before, like a peeled egg, "Listen to my aunt I ate a lot tonight, and I didn’t vomit anymore, so don’t be stunned.”

    Xie Yi was woken up by him, so sleepy, he looked up at Li Yuze and pulled him over, “Come here, let me Hug."

    Although I can't do anything, I can also relieve my cravings when I hug and sleep.

    He is really sleepy today, and he will tell him about his departure tomorrow.

    Li Yuze took him by his hand and pulled it open into the quilt, "Wait for a moment, I'll change my clothes and come back."

    "Don't change, it'll be fine if you take it off." Xie Yi was confused and didn't pay attention When it comes to what he is talking about, "I have such a good figure, let me touch it, and I will never touch it again."

    "In the future..." Li Yuze sighed again, "Since you like me so much, why don't you want to live a long life? Longer?"

    "What?" Xie Yi looked up at him, didn't understand what he was saying, but saw that Li Yuze had really taken off his clothes, he licked his mouth and became a little sober.

    "The doctor said it shouldn't be too frequent. It's been about ten days, so it's not too frequent." Xie Yi said to himself.

    After his pregnancy, his body became more sensitive, and various desires became stronger, such as the desire to sleep, appetite, and the desire to do those things with Li Yuze...

    "What did the doctor say not to be too frequent?" Li Yuze seemed to understand Now, his chest seemed to be scratched twice by a feather, itching.

    "That's it..." Xie Yi tapped his fingers twice on his abdominal muscles, "Will you come?"

    Li Yuze's Adam's apple rolled up and down twice, grabbing Xie Yi's restless hand, "Okay. , I'll be gentler. But you have to promise me one thing."

    "What?" Xie Yi looked at Li Yuze's body obsessively, his mind was out of control, and he didn't want to think about other things, bewitched by the beauty.

    "I'll give it to you, tomorrow you'll go to the hospital with me." Li Yuze said, grabbing the hand of Xie Yi who wanted to escape, "Promise me, don't give up on yourself."

    "I don't understand what you're talking about." Xie Yi's mood He threw off his hand irritably and rolled over into the quilt.

    Li Yuze sighed helplessly, lifted the quilt, went to bed and hugged him from behind, "You have to be obedient and go to the hospital if you are sick."

    "I am not sick again." Xie Yi didn't know what he was talking about, it was inexplicable, but It was quite comfortable to be held by Li Yuze, but the irritability just now disappeared, turned over and hugged him, smelling a little alcohol on him, "Are you drinking? No wonder you are talking nonsense, and you still want to do it with you. , are you able to grasp the proportions like this?"

    Li Yuze wanted to reason with him and let him go to the hospital, but this fluffy little guy kept rubbing against his arms, and Xie Yi just took a bath before going to bed. , The fragrant body, the fragrant his heart is messed up.

    "Whether you can grasp the proportions, you will know after you try." Li Yuze put his arms around his waist and hugged him to himself, "If you want, I will give it to you."

    "You are not allowed to negotiate conditions with me, just simply Do it." Xie Yi was afraid that he would use the hospital as a condition.

    "Okay." Li Yuze grabbed the back of his head, pulled him in and kissed his mouth.

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